Home Home Living Apartment Living What are the Secrets to Successful Apartment Living with Kids?

What are the Secrets to Successful Apartment Living with Kids?


Living in an apartment with kids presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities. Space is at a premium, noise becomes a more significant concern, and creating a child-friendly environment can seem daunting. However, with some creativity, flexibility, and strategic planning, apartment living with kids can not only be manageable but truly enjoyable. This article explores practical tips and strategies for maximizing your space, ensuring safety, and fostering a happy, organized home for your family.

1. Maximizing Space

One of the biggest challenges of apartment living is finding enough space for everything and everyone. Here’s how you can make the most of your square footage:

  • Space-Saving Furniture: Invest in furniture that serves multiple purposes, like beds with built-in storage, extendable dining tables, and ottomans with hidden compartments.
  • Vertical Storage Solutions: Utilize your wall space with shelves and hooks to keep floors clear and items out of reach from little hands.
  • Declutter Regularly: Adopting a minimalist approach not only clears space but also reduces cleaning and maintenance. Make it a habit to donate or sell items that are no longer in use.

2. Creating Kid-Friendly Zones

playing with wooden toys

Designating specific areas for play, study, and relaxation can help organize your space and make it more functional for your family.

  • Designated Play Areas: Set aside a corner of the living room or a part of a child’s bedroom for playtime, equipped with easy-to-clean mats and accessible toy storage.
  • Creative Corners: Encourage your kids’ creativity by setting up a small art station or a cozy reading nook in a quiet corner of the apartment.
  • Safety Measures: Ensure your apartment is childproofed, with secure windows and balconies, covered electrical outlets, and furniture anchored to walls to prevent tipping. You may also read our article, Can You Raise a Baby in a One-Bedroom Apartment? if you are thinking of moving into a small apartment with your baby and are looking for some helpful tips.

3. Managing Noise

In apartment living, managing noise is crucial to maintaining a peaceful environment and good relationships with neighbors.

  • Soundproofing Strategies: Soft furnishings like rugs and heavy drapes can significantly reduce noise levels. Consider adding sound-absorbing panels in play areas.
  • Establishing Quiet Hours: Teach children about respecting neighbors by setting quiet hours, especially during early mornings and late evenings.

4. Engaging with the Community

Take advantage of shared spaces and the surrounding neighborhood to extend your living area beyond the confines of your apartment.

  • Utilizing Common Areas: Many apartment complexes have amenities like play areas, gardens, and swimming pools. Encourage your kids to use these spaces for active play and socializing.
  • Neighborhood Exploration: Regular outings to local parks, libraries, and community events can provide a much-needed change of scenery and an opportunity for physical activity.

5. Organizing and Storage Tips

Effective organization can make apartment living with kids more manageable and less stressful.

  • Rotational Toy System: Keep only a portion of your children’s toys accessible at any time and rotate them to keep their interest high and clutter low.
  • Clear Labeling: Use labels on bins and shelves to make it easier for kids to find what they need and put things away after use.
  • Seasonal Storage: Utilize under-bed storage, high shelves, or external storage solutions for items not currently in use, like seasonal clothing and sports equipment.

6. Embracing Flexibility and Creativity

View the limitations of apartment living as an opportunity to get creative with your space and how you use it.

  • Adaptable Spaces: Look for ways to make areas of your apartment serve multiple purposes, such as a dining table that can become a craft space or a bedroom that doubles as a playroom during the day.
  • Involving Kids in Organization: Turn cleaning and organizing into a game to encourage your kids to participate. This can teach them valuable skills and reduce the burden on you.

Additional Tips for Apartment Living with Kids

Adding to the comprehensive strategies for successful apartment living with kids, here are some additional tips to enhance your living experience and create a harmonious home environment:

  • Curate Toys and Belongings: Regularly assess toys and belongings, keeping only those that are frequently used or have sentimental value. This not only declutters your space but also teaches children the value of quality over quantity.
  • One In, One Out Rule: Implement a policy where for every new item brought into the home, another is donated or discarded. This helps maintain a balance and prevents the accumulation of unnecessary items.
  • Accessible Organization: Use low shelves and open bins to store toys and clothes, making it easy for kids to access and put away their belongings independently.
  • Child-Sized Furniture: Invest in furniture that is the right size for your children, encouraging them to use their space comfortably and independently.
  • Indoor Plants: Incorporate houseplants to improve air quality and bring a bit of nature indoors. Choose non-toxic varieties that are safe for children.
  • Balcony Garden: If your apartment has a balcony, consider creating a small container garden. It can be a fun and educational activity for kids to grow their own plants or vegetables.
  • Cleaning Routine: Establish a daily routine for tidying up, making it a family activity. This helps keep the space organized and teaches children responsibility.
  • Quiet Time Routine: Set aside a daily quiet time where activities are calm and quiet, such as reading or drawing. This can help manage noise levels and provide a structured downtime for the family.
  • Noise Machines: Use white noise machines or apps to mask apartment noises during nap times or quiet hours, helping kids to sleep or focus on homework without distractions.
  • Digital Libraries: Take advantage of digital resources for books and educational materials, reducing the need for physical storage and offering a wide range of reading options.
  • Wall Decals and Art: Use removable wall decals or display your children’s artwork to personalize your apartment without damaging walls.
  • DIY Decor Projects: Engage in DIY home decor projects with your kids, allowing them to contribute to the aesthetics of your home and giving them a sense of ownership and pride in their living space.
  • Parent Groups: Join or form parent groups within your apartment community to share resources, organize playdates, and offer support.
  • Community Resources: Utilize local community centers, which often offer classes, activities, and events for children, providing additional recreational options beyond the apartment complex.

By incorporating these additional tips into your apartment living strategy, you can further enhance the quality of life for your family, making your home a more enjoyable, functional, and harmonious space. You may also want to read our article on How to Live in a Studio Apartment with a Baby for more tips.


Apartment living with kids doesn’t have to be a cramped and chaotic experience. By employing smart space-saving strategies, ensuring safety, and engaging with your community, you can create a nurturing and organized home that meets your family’s needs. Remember, the key to successful apartment living with kids is not just in the physical arrangement of your space but in the creativity, flexibility, and positivity you bring to it.

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