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What should I do about medical bills while I wait for a settlement check?

What should I do about medical bills while I wait for a settlement check

Personal injury cases are notoriously hard to try and can be the cause of many sleepless nights. Though you might be able to eventually get a settlement it can be tough to wait it out. For those that are dealing with a personal injury case, a Texas personal injury attorney can help.

What to Do with Medical Bills While You Wait?

Though your injury may be the fault of another person, your medical bills are still your responsibility, this means that if you neglect them, you are the only one that is going to suffer. You should do your best to keep up and to keep paying your bills while you wait for your settlement money after a personal injury case.

The main reason is that if you do not pay your bills, they will go to collections and they will end up damaging your credit. You should do whatever you can to keep current with your bills and to make sure that you are not paying late and that you are paying as much as you can each time. This is going to make it easier when you do get your settlement as you will be able to use your money without having to worry about catching up on bills.

Why Should You Keep Paying?

The main reason you need to keep paying is to make sure that the bills do not compound or get larger, make sure that they do not get sent to collections, and so that you do not end up with larger bills that are looming over you when you do finally get your settlement. It is always best to keep up with bills since you are going to get the money any way with the settlement, it is always best to stay ahead of your bills if you can.

If you cannot make your bills, you can always discuss options with your healthcare provider. In some cases you can negotiate a payment plan on your bills so that you do not have to pay the full sum out right, you can talk to them about lowering the entire bill, and you may be able to get some bills dismissed fully in some cases. Taking the time to talk with the financial aid department of your healthcare facility is the only way to get your bills lowered or to get a payment plan put in place.

How Can a Settlement Help?

In most cases, a settlement is going to be paid out in one lump sum. Unless otherwise stated, your settlement is going to come to you in one sum or in monthly sums and you are then responsible for how the money is spent. You can then pay off the remainder of your bills when you get your settlement and move on with your healing.

Settlement money can be used for nearly anything. It can be used to pay medical bills, to pay bills to upkeep your home, pay for the time you have to take off work, and can help you stay afloat while you recover so that you can eventually go back to work. An attorney is the best way to make sure you are going to get a fair settlement and that you are going to be able to take time off work to heal and recover fully.

An attorney is going to be able to properly argue your case, they know what you need to prove what happened, they know what supporting documents are going to help most and more. They can also help support you through the process and help you learn how to deal with the entire thing. They can help explain what is happening, explain terms and definitions, and even help you understand where your case stands and how big of a settlement you may potentially get.

Settlement sizes do depend on how serious the accident was, how long the recovery process was, and if the company or responsible party wants to settle out of court or argue the case before a judge. A competent lawyer is your best defense in terms of getting a fair settlement and making sure that your case is fairly heard and judged. Personal injury is never fun, but a great lawyer can make the healing process a bit easier and can make it possible for you to get a good settlement so that you can take time off and work on getting better rather than worrying about money. Settlements are a great method for making sure that you can handle your bills associated with injury and can actually make a difference in your life and in how easy it is for you to recover after an accident or a personal injury case.

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