Home Blog Health and Fitness What To Expect With Dental Implants: The Complete Guide

What To Expect With Dental Implants: The Complete Guide

Dental Implants

If you’re about to get dental implants, it’s important to know what to expect. This guide provides an overview of the dental implant process, from consultation to post-operative care.

Dental implants in Matthews, NC are a popular and permanent solution for missing teeth. The implant itself is a small titanium screw that is inserted into the jawbone to act as a replacement for the root of a natural tooth. Once in place, the implant is topped with a porcelain crown, which provides the patient with a natural-looking and functional tooth.

They are composed of three parts: the implant, the abutment, and the crown.

  • The implant is a titanium post that is surgically placed in the jawbone.
  • The abutment is a connector between the implant and the crown.
  • The crown is made to look like a natural tooth and sits on top of the abutment.

Why Get Dental Implants?

Dental implants have many benefits over other solutions for missing teeth, such as dentures or bridges. Here are just a few of them:

  • Dental implants are strong and durable. With proper care, they can last a lifetime.
  • Dental implants look and feel like natural teeth.
  • Dental implants are easy to care for. Just brush and floss as you would your natural teeth.
  • Dental implants can help to preserve the surrounding teeth and jawbone and prevent shrinkage that can occur with missing teeth.
  • Because they do not rely on neighboring teeth for support, implants put less stress on these teeth, reducing the likelihood of problems such as gum disease.

For all these reasons, dental implants Norman have become an increasingly popular choice for patients looking to restore their smiles.

Guide To Getting Dental Implants

Here is a complete guide to what to expect during the implant process:

The first step is to consult with your dentist or oral surgeon to see if you are a good candidate for dental implants. They will evaluate your mouth, teeth, gums, and jawbone to ensure that you have enough bone to support the implants. They will also take X-rays and 3D images to view your mouth better. If you are a good candidate, the next step is to schedule the implant surgery.

The implant surgery is usually done under local anesthesia, which numbs the area around the implant site. However, you may be given sedation if you are anxious or fear needles. Your oral surgeon will make incisions in your gum tissue to expose the bone during the surgery. Next, they will place the implant into the hole and secure it with screws. The incisions will then be closed with stitches.

After the surgery, you will need to rest and let your mouth heal. You will be given pain medication to help with any discomfort. It is normal for the area around the implant to be swollen and bruised. This will usually go away within a week or two.

Once your mouth has healed, you will need to return to your dentist or oral surgeon so they can check on the healing process and place the abutment. The abutment is a small connector piece that attaches the implant to the crown. Once the abutment is in place, your dentist will take impressions of your teeth to make the crown.

It usually takes about two weeks for the crown to be ready. In the meantime, you will be given a temporary crown to wear. When the permanent crown is ready, you will return to your dentist to have it placed.

Caring for your dental implants is just like caring for your natural teeth. Be sure to brush and floss twice a day and see your dentist or oral surgeon for regular check-ups. With proper care, your implants can last a lifetime.

The Bottom Line

Dental implants are a great option for people who have lost teeth. If you are considering dental implants, be sure to consult with a qualified dentist to ensure that they are the right option for you. 

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