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Who Is Liable for Drug Injuries?

Who Is Liable for Drug Injuries

Drug Injuries

Drug injuries occur every day in various settings, from doctors’ offices, hospitals, medical clinics, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, and pharmacies, to mention a few places where drug injuries can occur.

Drug injuries can be in the following way.

  • Proper medication, wrong dose
  • Wrong medication, the right dose
  • Wrong medication, wrong dose
  • Proper medication, correct dose for the wrong patients, and the list can keep going with various scenarios.
  • Contaminated drugs coming from a manufacturer

Know that there is not one medication in today’s marketplace that does not have side effects. Most medications have side effects of nausea, vomiting, constipation, and diarrhea. You may not experience any side effects, a few side effects, or all the side effects listed on the medication. It is when the side effects become dangerous and life-threatening that something is wrong.

Big pharmacies can also be to blame for your drug injuries. You need a seasoned injury attorney by your side to help you fight for your rights when your case involves a drug injury. You can be sure that the defendant has their team of attorneys fighting to make sure you do not win your case. A large pharmacy can also be responsible for your drug injuries by,

  • The contamination of your drug or the improper manufacture of your drug during its manufacturing process
  • There were not sufficient instructions for the medication on the label or no warnings on the label.
  • The manufacturer can cause harmful side effects due to the design of the medication.

Reasons to Call a Drug Injury Attorney

When a prescribed medication makes you sick or makes your condition worse, you may have a drug injury. You need to be aware that a drug injury is due to medication errors or defective drugs. These injuries are always due to some level of negligence.

Drug claims depend on the circumstances and level of injury the medicine caused. There are various circumstances and claims for liability against a host of entities, including but not limited to the following.

  • Doctors
  • Nurses
  • Paramedics
  • Anesthesiologists
  • Pharmacists and Pharmacies
  • Drug Manufacturers
  • Hospitals
  • Rehabilitation Centers
  • Nursing Home Employees
  • Medical Clinics

The side effects of all medications are listed as a possible concern when you take them. So you read the label, listen to your doctor and be aware of how you may feel after taking the prescribed medication. When you have medication side effects, please let your doctor know as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, some medications can make you seriously ill. This kind of effect means you need to call your doctor at once, call 9-1-1, or go to the nearest emergency room because,

  • You are either taking too much of the medicine.
  • Someone made a mistake when ordering the medicine or filling out the prescription and gave you the wrong medication or dose.
  • There was a manufacturing error, and the drug was defective.
  • You have a possible allergy to the medication.

You probably trust your healthcare providers, and you do as they say so that your health is restored, but, instead, you are harmed by your treatment.

It is within your right to contact a seasoned accident/injury/death attorney to review your case and tell you if you were the victim of a drug injury. The person found in the wrong must be held accountable. Can you answer the following questions?

What injuries, pain, and suffering did you go through?

What was the extent of your injuries?

Never feel guilty about bringing a compensation case against a professional who was negligent in doing their job correctly. It would make no difference who caused the drug injuries. You need to seek some compensation. When a drug injury harms you, there are too many variables to figure out. Allow your attorney to figure this out and calculate your compensation according to the level of your injuries.

  • The entity responsible for your drug injuries may be responsible for paying for the cost of your medical treatment and future care, including doctor visits and in-hospital stays.
  • Cost of additional treatment and medication related to wrongful damages.
  • Loss of income due to missed work or job loss because you are unable to work.
  • Your pain and suffering are due to negligence.

Call Us for A Review of Your Drug Injury Case

Once we have a chance to review your case, we can advise you about your possible compensation options for your drug-related injuries. We can calculate your past, present, and future costs related to your injuries, and we can make the negligent and their insurance companies compensate you fairly. The question we always ask our clients who were harmed by a drug injury is,

Why should a negligent person or company not have to pay for their negligent actions?

Why must a victim pay, as they did not ask for this injury to happen?

For example, if a doctor or nurse takes responsibility for ordering and administering medication to a patient, it had better be,

  • The right patient
  • The right medication
  • The right dose
  • The right time
  • The right route

If the professional caregiver does not follow these criteria, there could be a drug injury to you, the patient. When these criteria are not followed precisely, the patient is the one who becomes the victim. We fight for your victim’s rights when you have had a drug injury.

Contact this experienced drug injury law firm  today so we can hear your story and review your drug injury case.

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