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5 Reasons You Should Consider Cosmetic Dentistry

5 Reasons You Should Consider Cosmetic Dentistry

Does your stomach drop when someone busts out a camera? Have you perfected the art of “smiling with your eyes” without actually smiling? You shouldn’t have to stress over your smile.

The confidence to smile again is one of many reasons to undergo cosmetic dentistry. Smiling confidently again may finally encourage you to get that dream job or start an Instagram.

The smallest boost of confidence can make a world of difference for your life, health, and career. Imagine what else a perfect dentist smile could do?

Discover five more benefits of cosmetic dentistry.

1. Preserve Your Smile with Dental Implants

Are you worried about that missing tooth? Missing teeth can cause misalignment of your smile. However, dental implants can keep your smile intact.

Dental implants are “implanted” surgically into the jawbone. Tooth implants have special titanium “roots” that fuse to the bone. They’re typically made from porcelain and titanium alloy.

Once implanted, the jawbone will slowly grow around the dental implant and fuse with the implant. Just like a real bone! This process is known as osseointegration.

2. Enjoy Your Food Again

Enjoying your favorite foods can be difficult (and painful) with missing teeth. Even healthy foods, like vegetables, are a problem. This leads to yet another benefit of cosmetic dentistry.

Dental implants will allow you to crunch down again on baby carrots and dip. Bite into a crunchy taco without fearing the worst. Go out to dinner with your friends again, and actually enjoy it!

3. Prevent More Oral Health Issues

If you’ve struggled with missing teeth and oral health, a new set of dental implants can protect you from additional damage. Implants, dental crowns, veneers, and bonding can literally transform your teeth into that perfect dentist smile.

Think of cosmetic dentistry as your second chance to get it right. Dental implants in Houston, Tx will provide you the excellent care, so that  you can keep smiling confidently.

4. Forget Buying Dentures

Did you assume you would end up with dentures? Many people with missing teeth end up going that route. Dentures are familiar, inexpensive, and easy to get.

The biggest problem with dentures is that you have to remove them. Most dentures are strong enough to withstand chewing, but hard and sticky foods are still a problem. You’ll also be responsible for removing them and cleaning them daily.

So, do you really have to keep dentures in a glass of water? This is true. If you’re not wearing your dentures, keep them moist; otherwise, they’ll lose their shape.

5. Save More Money on Dental Care

Filling in your missing teeth will save you thousands on dental care. Cosmetic dentistry is also preventative dental care; especially, if you’ve had dental problems in the past.

Cosmetic dentistry work lasts longer too. Your professional teeth whitenings will shine brighter for longer. Use this guide to learn more about veneers and how they make teeth look natural for years.

Consider the cost-benefits of seeking commercial dentistry sooner than later.

Make Your Dentist Smile Again

Are you ready to turn over a new leaf with dental care? It’s not too late to salvage your smile. Consider the benefits of cosmetic dentistry.

Make your Dentist In Catoosa smile again at the next appointment. Remember, these tips as you transform your teeth. Check back often to discover more ways to improve your health.

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