Home Blog Beauty Top 3 Signs That You’re Ready for a Facelift

Top 3 Signs That You’re Ready for a Facelift

Top 3 Signs That You're Ready for a Facelift

A core component of happiness and confidence stems from our ability to look in the mirror and be proud of the person staring back at us. Through the trials and tribulations that all of us will inevitably face in life, our ability to have positive self-talk and motivation is what helps us cross the finish line in life.

But there comes a time, perhaps as we become mature in our age and the years have rolled by, where we notice our youth slipping away. Whether it’s from small lines forming around the edges of our lips or sun damage creeping its way onto our face, skin complexion is influential to how we feel. To understand what a Facelift is, you need to know who has this surgery. In today’s world, facelifts are talked about openly, and many people can afford them because they are so cheap. In terms of getting rid of old looks, it is safe and quick to use.

And when we start to feel embarrassed or upset with how we look, our self-image begins to dwindle, and our quality of life diminishes rapidly. If you have found yourself at this point in your journey and are considering a facelift to remedy the issue, here are the conversations and topics you must consider before moving forward.

1. Excessive Droopiness and Sagging

The main sign that you’re ready to consult with a surgeon about a facelift procedure is when you notice excess sagging and skin that doesn’t bounce back like it used to.

For most individuals, droopiness begins to form around the edges of their eyes, around their jawline and their upper cheeks. In conjunction with these symptoms, patients may also experience loose skin that causes their forehead and eyebrow region to sag below their normal resting position.

While there are a plethora of short-term treatments that can isolate and treat droopy skin, you’re the type of person that wants lasting results for your effort. If you desire lifelong treatments, we suggest visiting botox Mississauga specialists if you are in the area for a consultation so they can provide the assurance needed for this kind of procedure. We think you’re ready for a facelift, it will tighten and tone your sagging skin for years to come.

2. Deep Creases

Have you begun to notice your wrinkles getting deep and more prominent? If so, a facelift may be on your upcoming horizon. As the elasticity (collagen) in your skin dwindles year after year, your system’s natural ability to hold the skin in place becomes difficult to manage. As a result, the skin surrounding the area spills over the surface and deepens the creases located on your wrinkles.

Similarly, this process can make wrinkles and fine lines more pronounced and longer than usual. If you have come to this stage with your skin, a facelift is the next logical option. Surgeons can remove excess skin and tighten the area back to the underlying muscle tissue below the surface. After the swelling and healing subside, you’re left with a rejuvenated, glowing and youthful appearance!

We understand the mental anguish fine lines and wrinkles can cause; If you’re ready to treat your deepening wrinkles and lines through modern technology, a facelift will provide the results you need.

3. You Want To Keep Your ‘Natural’ Look

The beauty of a facelift is that surgeons and medical professionals can maintain your natural form with ease. With other beauty options, patients receive implants and injections that change the subtle appearance and angle of their facial composition.

And while that’s certainly OK, you know that you want something more. With a facelift procedure, many patients find that their appearance gets restored to how they looked in previous years. Imagine a scenario where you can reverse the clock by, say, ten, fifteen or even twenty years! With a proper facelift procedure, this dream can manifest in reality.

Other Signs You’re Ready for a Facelift

The last thing you want to have on your mind when you go through your daily routine is how your appearance looks to the people you come in contact with while out and about. If you’ve found yourself feeling self-conscious — and, to be fair, who hasn’t? — it may be time to seek guidance from a surgeon or medical practitioner.

Not only are these individuals highly skilled and professional at what they do, but the results they can provide for their patients is breathtaking. While each surgeon has a unique skill set that they can provide for their patients, here are some common skin-related predicaments they can remedy:

  • Saggy neck skin (waddle)
  • Double chin and excess fat around the jaw and ears
  • Baggy eyelids
  • Sunken and deep cheeks
  • Smile lines
  • Marionette lines

As you can see, there is an extensive array of side effects that can be drastically reduced by getting a proper facelift from a reputable surgeon. If you have suffered from depression, anxiety, low self-esteem or sadness on account of your natural aging progression, realize that there’s still hope!

Live Your Best Life

For readers that have noticed their confidence lowering over the years, a facelift may be the solution you have been looking for. While bouts of low self-esteem are understandable occurrences, they shouldn’t wreak havoc on your lifestyle or well-being. Whether we realize it or not, how we feel about ourselves and our appearance dictates how we move throughout the world.

A book by Maxwell Maltz, Psycho-Cybernetics, explores the mental state of individuals who had undergone cosmetic surgery. According to his findings, when people looked younger and healthier, they walked with newfound confidence, and in some cases, were able to achieve impressive goals. Maltz believed that a strong sense of pride and self-esteem derived from personal appearance could facilitate lifelong happiness and accomplishment.

If you’re ready to get started on your journey toward a newfound vigor and passion for life, a facelift will kickstart your transformation. Regardless of where you are in life or your current age, there are medical technologies that can give you the confidence and motivation to achieve your highest aspirations.

For readers that are currently experiencing the side effects listed above, why not consider a facelift in the upcoming weeks and months? Finding a Naples facelift surgeon fit for your needs is merely a consultation away!

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