10 hockey essentials you need to channel your inner pro


In field hockey, approximately 22% of players have experienced teeth or face injury at least once.

You must stay safe with a comprehensive set of essential gear and equipment to channel your inner pro in this game.

From protecting your body to enhancing your performance, basic hockey essentials form the foundation for excelling in the sport.

So, invest in these must-have hockey essentials to play at your best, prioritize safety, and elevate your game professionally.

1. Helmet

A helmet is one of the most important field hockey equipment. The primary reason for wearing a helmet is safety. Hockey involves high-speed movement, sudden stops, sharp turns, and the risk of collisions.

Accidental falls, sticks, and pucks can lead to head injuries, including concussions, which can have serious long-term consequences.

Helmets are designed to absorb impact energy and provide adequate protection after a strong hit.

If your helmet has a significant impact, even if it doesn’t show visible damage, it should be replaced immediately.

2. Gloves

Gloves typically have textured palms and fingers designed to enhance your grip on the stick. This improved grip allows for better control, stickhandling, and shooting accuracy.

Ensure the gloves provide sufficient padding and protection for your hands and fingers. They should have impact-absorbing materials to reduce the risk of injuries.

3. Shoulder pads

Modern shoulder pads are designed to offer protection while maintaining mobility. They let you move your arms, shoulders, and upper body comfortably, ensuring you skate, pass, and shoot without restriction.

Choose shoulder pads with appropriate protection for your playing style and position.

Defensemen may prefer bulkier pads for increased protection, while forwards might opt for lighter, more streamlined options for enhanced mobility.

4. Elbow pads

Elbow pads are crucial to minimize the risk of elbow and forearm injuries, allowing you to focus on your skills and strategy.

Look for elbow pads with adjustable straps and closures to customize the fit to your arm size and comfort preferences.

5. Neck guard

Neck guards protect your throat and neck area from potential injuries. These sensitive areas are vulnerable during play, and neck guards provide a barrier against cuts, bruises, and serious injuries.

Choose a neck guard that fits snugly around your neck and throat area without being too tight or loose. It should provide complete coverage of your vulnerable areas.

6. Visor and cage

Visors and cages protect your face, particularly your eyes and facial bones, from potential injuries. Visors are designed to provide a clear field of vision while still offering protection.

They shield your eyes from glare, wind, and debris, allowing you to better see the puck and the game.

Cages, in particular, protect your teeth from accidental impacts, reducing the risk of dental injuries, including broken or knocked-out teeth.

Ensure your helmet securely fits your head and the visor or cage is correctly attached. Loose or ill-fitting helmets can compromise protection.

Always wear your visor or cage during practices and games, regardless of your skill level. Accidents can happen at any time.

7. Shin pads

Shin pads are a crucial part of your hockey gear to minimize the risk of lower leg injuries, allowing you to focus on your skills and strategy while prioritizing safety.

Ensure that the padding material in the shin pads is impact-absorbing and can distribute the force of impacts effectively.

After each use, clean your shin pads and allow them to dry to prevent odors and maintain their performance. Follow the manufacturer’s care instructions for cleaning.

8. Mouthguard

In some cases, a properly fitted mouthguard can absorb and disperse the impact forces that can lead to head injuries.

Clean your mouthguard after each use to prevent bacteria buildup and odors. Rinse it with cold water and use a toothbrush, toothpaste, or a specialized mouthguard cleaner for thorough cleaning.

Insert your mouthguard correctly, covering your upper teeth and gums securely.

9. Ankle guards

Ankle guards can provide extra support to the ankle joint. This support can benefit players who have previously experienced ankle injuries or weak ankles.

You’ll find ankle guards comfortable because they add padding around the ankles. This padding can help reduce friction and discomfort caused by the skate tongue and laces.

Choose ankle guards that fit comfortably around your ankles without being too tight or loose. They should provide support without restricting your range of motion.

10. Specialized shoes

Field hockey shoes are designed with specialized cleats or studs that provide excellent traction on the field. This traction is essential for quick starts, stops, and changes in direction, allowing you to maintain balance.

Ensure your field hockey shoes fit snugly but comfortably, with minimal movement inside the shoe.


The above list is a must-have to protect your body from potential injuries during field hockey. They include all the tools you need to excel in the field.

Safety should always be a priority; the right gear ensures you can play confidently and with peace of mind.

So, remember to invest in quality gear, maintain them properly, and always wear the necessary protective equipment.

By doing so, you’ll be well-equipped to channel your inner pro in the thrilling world of Hockey.

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