10 Tips for Planning a Children’s Birthday Party


Planning a Children’s Birthday Party can be overwhelming. You want the day to be extra special for your child, and there is so much to do. We have put together 10 Tips for Planning a Children’s Party to help make the preparations stress-free and to make the big day one to remember.

  • Plan ahead
  • Work out your Budget
  • The Venue
  • Decide the Party Theme
  • Guest list and invitations
  • Food and Decorations
  • The Birthday Cake and Party food
  • Games and Entertainment
  • One to two days before the party
  • The Big Day

1. Plan ahead

Birthday letterboard

About eight weeks before the planned Birthday, select a date for the party. Involve your child if they are old enough, and make them feel a part of the planning exercise.

Once the date has been chosen, create a planning calendar. Include every aspect of the party on your calendar. Highlight dates for things that must be prepared ahead of the big day, such as ordering a cake, hiring balloon decoration services, shopping lists, party food preparations, etc.

2. Your Budget

Birthday parties can be geared toward your budget, whatever that is if you are well prepared ahead of time.

Your budget should include all of the essential ingredients, such as the cake, party food, activities, balloons, party hats, lolly bags, etc.

3. The Venue

Will the party be home-based, will it be a party in a park or another outdoor space, or will you be hiring a venue?

If you are going to hire a venue, then do your research and find out which venues will fit within your budget limits and will be available on your selected date. If you are having the party at home, make sure you clean and clear your home for the big day, and be prepared for the clean up afterward.

If you are planning to have the party in a public space, such as a park or playground, check if you require any special permits or bookings – you don’t want your party to clash with someone else’s!

4. Party Theme

Birthday party cupcakes

Decide on a theme for the party. This will, most likely, be age and gender appropriate, so it taps into the general interests of the group.

There are so many variations for Party Themes. However, some basics don’t change: cake, balloons, party food, and treat bags. These should reflect the theme using color and/or shape. Other aspects of the party can be tailored directly toward the theme; for example, a Pirate party may include dress-ups or costumes, pirate party hats, and pirate activities such as a treasure hunt or tug of war. This is where you can use your imagination!

5. Guest List and Invitations

You have decided upon the date and the venue, so now it’s time to make the guest list. Younger children may want to include everyone in their class at school, while older children may have a more established group of friends.

Once the guest list is finalized, consider the invitations. You may want to include your child in the invitation writing and preparation. Themed invitations give a start to the party atmosphere plus a hint for the guests of what to expect.

Include an RSVP to the invitation with a date so that you know exactly how many children will be attending.

The guests should receive their invitations four weeks before the date of the party, with the RSVP date two weeks before the party, so that you have some adjustment time if necessary.

6. Three to Four weeks ahead

Start preparations for the big day. Make a shopping list of what is required, and be sure to place orders well ahead of time for items that may be in short supply.

For instance, if you have particular colors selected as part of the theme, then things like balloons, party plates, hats and cups, streamers, treat bags, etc., can either be purchased or ordered well ahead of the date so that you are not disappointed at the last minute.

7. The Birthday Cake and Party food

Birthday cake

If you are ordering the birthday cake, then make sure you have placed the order well ahead of time. But, if you are going to make the cake yourself, it may be a good idea to have a practice run before the big day.

Keep the food simple. Party foods for children can be healthy, bite-sized, and interesting. Some children may have food allergies, so it is worth checking this so they can be catered for. Easy handling of food will be more manageable for smaller hands and easier to clean up!

If parents are going to be attending the party, keep a simple selection of nibbles and drinks for the adults, which doesn’t require extra effort from the hosts!

Foods or treats that can be made ahead and frozen can be made while there is more time and not at the last minute. This will make the preparations more relaxed and less stressful.

8. Games and Entertainment

Games and entertainment should reflect the theme of the party. Depending upon your child’s age, a number of regular favorite games such as pass the parcel, treasure hunt, dress-ups, and musical chairs are easy to organize and don’t add to the costs. The color and content of these can reflect the party’s theme.

If your budget allows, you can incorporate a number of activities such as jumping castles, balloon twisting, balloon punching, dancing, entertainers, or a petting zoo!

9. One to two days before the party

Check your Planning Calendar so that you don’t forget anything at the last minute. Buy fresh food and drinks for the party. Collect the ordered items, such as the cake, balloons, and decorations. Prepare the treat bags and wrap the birthday gift.

Prepare the house or venue for the party. Clean and clear up any clutter, and remove items you don’t want to be damaged or tampered with during the party. Make space for any entertainment that may be coming on the day, and set up the decorations, the balloons, and the party table.

10. The Big day

Birthday gift boxes

Either the night before or early in the day, thaw out any foods that have been made ahead and frozen.

Make sure the table is set, the food is laid out, and any last-minute decorating is finished. Check that your games/entertainment list is placed somewhere that won’t be lost and is easily available. Have your selected music playing as the guests start arriving.

Greet the guests with your child, and make a record of gifts and who they are from as they are presented. This will make it easier for post-party thank yous and will save confusion as gifts and cards can become separated when the present opening begins.

What are the Essential Items for a Children’s Party?

Here’s a rundown of the must-have items to ensure your children’s party is a hit, keeping smiles on faces and making the day unforgettable.

  • Invitations: Kick off your party planning with themed invitations that set the tone for the event. Whether paper or digital, invitations are crucial for conveying the who, what, when, and where of the party.
  • Decorations: Transform your space with decorations that match the party theme. Think balloons, banners, tablecloths, and streamers to create an immersive and festive atmosphere.
  • Party Favors: Small gifts or goodie bags for the guests to take home can make the event even more memorable. Tailor them to the party’s theme for an extra touch of thoughtfulness.
  • Games and Activities: Keep the kids entertained with a mix of games and activities. Classic options like pin the tail on the donkey, a treasure hunt, or craft stations can cater to various ages and interests.
  • Music: A playlist of kid-friendly songs adds life to any party. Music can be used as background ambiance or for games like musical chairs.
  • Food and Drinks: Kid-friendly snacks, finger foods, and beverages are essential. Consider allergies and dietary restrictions to ensure there’s something for everyone.
  • Cake or Sweet Treat: No children’s party is complete without a cake or a special sweet treat. Whether it’s a store-bought masterpiece or a homemade delight, make sure it aligns with the overall theme.
  • Tableware: Disposable cups, plates, napkins, and utensils not only make cleanup easier but can also add to the decor if chosen according to the party theme.
  • Seating Arrangements: Ensure you have enough seating for the children and any adults who may stay. This can be in the form of small chairs, picnic blankets, or a designated eating area.
  • Emergency Kit: Prepare for minor accidents by having a first aid kit handy, along with essentials like wipes, paper towels, and extra toilet paper.


In wrapping up, planning a child’s birthday party can be as fun as it is challenging. By keeping in mind the key tips shared, from choosing the right theme to preparing for unexpected hiccups, you can create a memorable event that delights both the young guests and their parents.

Additional Suggestions

  • If you want high-quality balloons for the party, you can look for companies that offer Giant Balloons Sydney and have good reviews online.
  • Hiring balloon decoration services would save you a lot of time and effort in decorating the birthday party.
  • Big birthday parties can be difficult to organize, but by following our tips, you will be able to manage various aspects of the party with ease.
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