12 types of gamblers — from casual players to professionals


Players who visit online casino sites and land-based gambling establishments are divided into several types, which differ from each other both in their purpose and in their style of play. Interestingly, people have been fascinated by gambling since ancient times, but the players’ motives were different in different years.

Thanks to psychologists, it is possible to clearly divide gamblers into 10 types. The goals of the game are very different for users of online casino sites. It is worth noting that newcomers who learn about the types immediately can quickly figure out how to play and win big bucks. Some gamblers set their goals incorrectly or reveal their strengths incorrectly, which leads them to increase their risks.

BestAuCasinosOnline invites gambling fans to consider 10 types of gamblers. In land-based gambling establishments, as well as online casino sites, there are quite a few different types of players.

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1. Partygoers

Party-goers, for the most part, visit land-based gambling establishments. Such people do not generally have a particular preference for gambling, as their goal is not gambling itself. For party-goers, it is important to be the centre of attention and therefore they do not concentrate on the game itself.

Party-goers chat more with other players and talk about some of their gambling achievements, if they have any, of course. It is worth noting that in order for players of this type not to lose more than they need to, they should decide on their bankroll management. For players, it doesn’t matter if they win or not, but the desire to gamble all the time can encourage them to spend a lot of money.

2. Infantry

Infantry is a very common type of gambler, especially in online casinos. Such players are found in all types of gambling. So-called infantrymen regularly spend time on online gambling sites, but they know how to control their money and often play with strategies. As statistics show, it is the foot soldiers who shape gambling trends, particularly seen in video slots.

Basically, many newcomers are trying to become infantrymen, as players of this type are almost devoid of risk. Interestingly, when they spend their daily limit, they continue to play demo games, if possible. For example, in games such as roulette, blackjack, video slots and some others, foot soldiers can try out for free. In games such as poker or bingo, however, there are no demos available in online casinos.

3. Casual gamblers

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Gambling attracts a very large number of people. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people try their luck at least once by making a deposit of a token $10. Thankfully, given the large bonuses offered by online casino sites, players can play for quite a long time.

Casual players spend very little money in casinos. They either play very carefully or don’t pay attention to anything at all and make haphazard bets. If they do win, the chance of them continuing to play increases manifold.

4. Intellectuals

Intellectuals are more likely to visit online sites and use strategies and systems when playing. Knowledge of mathematical models and the luck aspect gives players more confidence and can even reduce risk.

5. VIPs

VIPs are a rather rare type of gambler. They usually have a very high social standing. The VIPs generally gamble for two reasons. For some, it is important to be the centre of attention, just like party goers. However, VIPs play at higher stakes and prefer more competitive games like poker and bingo, where they essentially play against other players and not against croupiers.

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6. Status gamblers

VIPs are celebrities who are not connected with gambling and visit gambling establishments just for fun, while status players have achieved great success in gambling. For example, in poker, there are very many popular gamblers who take part in the most prestigious tournaments. Nevertheless, in order to practice, and simply to win big money, high achievers visit land-based gambling houses.

Mobile casino sites also often feature the most skillful players trying to increase their capital several times over. This is especially true in games where the players play against each other.

7. Professionals


Professionals, as opposed to status players, are simply strong players. This type of player is far more common. It takes more than a hundred games to become a true professional. Knowing all the advantages and disadvantages of the game, strategies, and other aspects, allows you to reduce the risks and avoid falling into the tilt.

Professionals, in terms of gambler types, play very carefully, enjoying the game and trying to earn as much as possible. Statistically, these players most often try to minimise risks by using certain methods. Mathematical calculations make it possible to understand how exactly it is worth betting. Increasing and decreasing bets can reduce the casino’s advantage, but in order to do this correctly players need to try to improve their skills every day.

8. Desperate players

One of the most controversial types of gamblers is the desperate. This usually qualifies people in casinos who lack a lot of strong emotions. Such players try to make gambling their hobby. This type of gambler enjoys winning as much as losing. Moreover, desperate gamblers try their luck in all gambling games to see where they get more excitement.

9. Problem gamblers

Such gamblers cannot control themselves. Not many people get addicted, but those who have become addicted to cheating are hard to recover from. When a person’s thoughts and actions are reduced to spending a few games in the casino, the game in this style can hardly bring pleasure.

Problem gamblers do not know how to stop, so no matter how much they win, they lose it all. And, the addicts are in the habit of borrowing and selling their stuff to get even. In essence, the main objective of such players is just to win back, but they lose more and more each time.

10. Compulsive-Pathological Gamblers

Gamblers with compulsive-pathological tendencies are utterly dependent on their pastime. They can no longer maintain control. It is said that these folks suffer from a pathological disorder.

These individuals experience emotional upheaval. They will fight with guilt about their failure to control their behaviors, and wins and defeats will have an impact on how they feel about themselves.

As they attempt to deal with their regret, many compulsive-pathological gamblers also develop other addictions in addition to gambling. As a result, they continue to engage in self-destructive habits.

11. Anti-Social Personality Gamblers

Gamblers with antisocial personalities may also succeed in the industry. They differ significantly from the professional gambler, though. Many people in fact possess an antisocial nature.

Additionally, they have a propensity to engage in illicit gambling. This involves placing predetermined wagers or utilizing loaded dice and marked cards. Most people who fit this description have a history of criminal behavior.

They are frequently characterized as aggressive, manipulative, angry, and dishonest. These individuals often have a personality issue that is mirrored in their addictive behavior rather than the addiction itself, but they may claim addiction as a defense if caught in the act.

12. Cheaters

Usually such players try to cheat or otherwise influence their winnings. The truth is that while cheaters used to be able to do this decades ago, it is now very difficult to cheat a casino.

Gambling Addiction

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Ten million Americans may be dependent on gaming. Most of the time, gambling is not prohibited, which might make it simpler for people to rationalize hazardous gambling habits. Sadly, the majority of people who are addicted to gambling do not recognize the issue. Only 21% of prisoners who were assessed as having a gambling addiction believed that their gambling was a problem.

Although many people enjoy gambling, it can be problematic for some people. Recognize the different sorts of gamblers and discover the benefits of therapy. Even though every addiction has the potential to ruin a person’s life, not every addiction is the same, and not everyone who develops an addiction does so in the same way. For instance, a person with an opioid use disorder may be misusing heroin purchased off the street or prescription drugs. Their circumstances and life histories are totally unlike.

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There are many different types of gambling, including sports betting, scratch cards, casino table games, bingo, and slot machines. For the majority of individuals, it can be harmless enjoyment, but in the appropriate situation, it can easily turn into an unhealthy fixation with detrimental effects for others.

A problem of impulse control is gambling addiction. Similar to someone suffering from substance addiction, the gambler can’t control their impulse to gamble, even when it leads to harmful consequences for them and their loved ones.

When a gambler’s life is somewhat disrupted by their gambling behavior and they encounter some negative consequences, this is known as problem gambling, which is frequently a forerunner to addiction. The main distinction is that, even if it’s a tiny amount, the gambler still has some influence at this point.

Way to Recovery

The good news is that there is hope for people who are affected by gambling of all kinds. You don’t have to be owned by your addiction. The first step on the road to rehabilitation is asking for assistance.

Despite the fact that gambling addiction is curable, data show that few sufferers of this condition seek medical attention. Moreover, 60% of prisoners who admitted to having a gambling addiction said they wanted treatment, but only 25% actually asked for it. Only 5.4% of gambling addicts say they have gone to a gambling addiction treatment facility or related self-help groups.

It’s possible that antiquated notions that compulsive gambling is not an addiction are to blame for the gap in how people identify the issue and seek treatment. It may be more common to receive treatment if people stop thinking about gambling addiction as a moral failing and instead realize it is a recognized mental health disorder.

The procedures used to treat gambling addiction are frequently comparable to those used to treat drug use disorders. Motivational interviewing (MI), a strategy that focuses on raising personal drive and knowledge of the negative consequences of a habit, is likely to be helpful for those who aren’t convinced they have a gambling issue. Cognitive behavioral therapy is also used to treat compulsive gambling.

Inpatient treatment centers, outpatient therapy, and mutual assistance groups provide varying levels of severity for treating gambling addiction.

Myths and Facts on Gambling

Knowing the facts about gambling addiction can help to dispel misconceptions and stigma associated with this condition and make it simpler to get expert care.

Myth: Your odds of winning a game (like poker) rise if you are familiar with the rules.

Fact: Knowing the rules of a game, like poker, might benefit you to some extent, the chances are always against you. Moreover, you have no influence over how the cards are dealt.

Myth: If you’re a good video gamer, you’ll be a good player on virtual reality tournaments.

Fact: Playing videogames needs expertise, and the more you play, the better you get. A VLT machine doesn’t involve talent, just like any other game of chance. A VLT game’s results are entirely random, and you have no control over them.

Myth: You can predict the future results if you keep track of the past ones.

Fact: Every event in gambling is unrelated to the one before it. For instance, every time you roll the dice, it’s a brand-new random occurrence that has nothing to do with the one before it and nothing to do with the one after that.

Myth: Even if you lose eventually, if you keep gambling, you will eventually lose all of your money.

Fact: Even if you win occasionally, it is a certainty that you will lose more money over time.

Myth: “Lucky people are lucky in life, and lucky people are lucky in gambling.”

Fact: Many gamblers think they are lucky, although they frequently lose money. The outcome of gambling activities cannot be influenced by wearing a charm or praying. 

Myth: Having knowledge of teams and players can increase your chances of winning when you put a wager on a sporting event.

Fact: A number of events throughout the game, like as the injury of a crucial player, have the power to dramatically change the outcome. Sports betting is a fairly common kind of gambling, but it is also the one that is most frequently linked to losing control over one’s gambling.  


The most important information on gambling addiction is to be aware that it’s not only a money issue. Even though they could lose money gaming, some problem gamblers do not have money problems. Gambling is an emotional problem in which a person feels the urge to gamble in order to reduce stress or because gambling gives them a particular sense of joy. If you let it, gambling can become an addiction that controls your life and cause you to lose relationships, employment, and yes, money. However, the real problem with compulsive gambling is emotional rather than monetary.

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