11 Hints to Boost Up Your Mac


Even lucky Macs owners can notice that over time, their devices start to run slower and need more time for various processes. There are several reasons why it happens, and you can find effective tips for boosting your computer without problems in this article. Read useful hints and speed up the device easily and make your Mac fast again.

  1. Update your device. Check out if all the important updates are set on the Mac because some of them can boost its performance. Please never ignore any sort of updates and don’t forget to upgrade the Mac just when it offers to install new files for your system upgrade.
  2. Check out the Activity Monitor: it shows how your device runs. In its Memory and CPU columns, you may find many applications that run currently. Sometimes it is useful to quit some apps that may seem to demand too much from Mac’s operating system.
  3. Check out if your Mac has any application that runs every time you startup the computer. Just cancel automatic startup for those programs you do not need to run automatically. This will be helpful to save the processor’s and memory’s resources.
  4. Remove visual effects to boost your device. You can switch off animate opening apps, magnification, and some other effects to increase your Mac performance. This won’t take a pile of time but your device will work a bit faster.
  5. Boost your device with built-in special tools. It’s possible to see many useful tools to detect and delete those items that take up some space on the computer. Here are some ideas they suggest:
  • Store in iCloud. This is a great tool to keep your videos and photos in iCloud to keep the Mac’s storage cleaner.
  • Optimize storage. If to enable this option, only attachments from the mail will be saved on the computer without saving any movies or TV shows from iTunes.
  • Empty trash automatically. With this option, all the files in the trash will be automatically destroyed after thirty days.
  • Reduce clutter. With this amazing tool, it’s simple to find and remove any sort of downloads, huge files, and other information from the device.

11 Hints to Boost Up Your Mac 2

  1. Check out iTunes. This app collects applications you’ve installed on the Mac. Spend some time to delete those programs you do not use anymore to free up some space on the computer.
  2. Modify your Finder. Every time your Finder is launched, all your files are opened in a new window, but it is possible to change this and add some performance to the device. Your Mac will be opening a defined folder.
  3. Web browsers take your CPU performance. If you open many windows in Safari, needless to say, it can make your processor busy. We suggest quitting the browser when you do not need it and also control how many webpages you open. Apart from this, you should check out the list of extensions in your browser and delete those you do not use at all.
  4. Control your mail. If you receive many new emails and use your mailbox for a long time, the Apple Mail may slow down the system. We suggest deleting emails you do not need anymore and also delete a spam folder. You can also rebuild your mailbox or reindex your mail to another address.
  5. Add more RAM. Maximize the memory amount, and this will surely boost your computer. Before doing something, we suggest getting to know what kind of memory your device needs and how to install it.
  6. Reinstall your operating system. This may help you to speed up the device. Before you do it, make sure you made backups of all the important files on your Mac.

We hope these simple but very effective tips will help you to boost your Mac and make it work better and faster.

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