11 Ways How Restaurant Owners Can Save Cash On Their Refrigeration


There are various ways how restaurant managers and owners can use their refrigeration appliances and practices to lower energy usage. Some are extremely easy and cost-effective while other might be pricier and more labor-intensive.  The initial investment may be expensive but the energy savings you’ll be getting along the road will be well worth it.

1. Switching Off Door Heaters

By doing this, the restaurant can save around $75 yearly. Unless you experience substantial frost on the door or have water dripping on the floor, it’s not necessary to leave your door heater on.

2. Permitting For Improved Air Circulation

Moving or installing walk-in freezers and refrigerators to open spot that permits for improved air circulation can help with consuming less energy.

3. Cleaning The Evaporator Coils And Condenser

A filthy condenser and evaporator coils can hinder the airflow, dragging down refrigeration effectiveness. This can lead to more extensive energy usage. Dirty coils can also cause maintenance issues which are time-consuming and costly.

4. Setting Defrost Cycles

It happens often that defrost cycles are ran for too long. Four 15-minute cycles are sufficient, in most instances. The pins on the exterior ring of your defrost time clock can be utilized to properly set the defrost cycles. The center dial can be adjusted to regulate the length of the defrost cycles.

5. Purchasing Commercial Freezers And Refrigerators

When purchasing new commercial refrigeration equipment, be sure to check if they are energy star-certified products that lower energy usage.

6. Insulating Suction Lines

Suction lines convey refrigerant from the evaporator to the compressor on refrigeration systems that are using remote condensers. Preventing these lines from absorbing heat during this process can make your entire refrigeration system reducing energy usage and running more effectively. To achieve this, inexpensive insulation must be added to the suction lines.

7. Checking Refrigerant Charge

Walk-ins can suffer due to having too little refrigerant which is placing additional strain on the compressor. Check the small window (sight glass) on the condenser which displays the refrigerant line. If you notice bubbles while the system runs, you must contact a reputable restaurant HVAC technician to recharge your refrigerant.

8. Replacing Worn Gaskets

Replacing warped or cracked gaskets on your refrigerator or freezer can substantially lower restaurant costs by discarding wasted energy.

9. Using Automatic Doors On Walk-Ins

A least expensive method of reducing energy usage is by having automatic door closers. They are simple to install, and you can get about $75 rebate per door closer.

10. Adding Night Covers To Your Refrigerated Display Cases

You an save on energy bills by adding night covers to your refrigerator display cases at night to trap the cold air inside. Therefore, they won’t have to run through the night.

11. Upgrading to LED lighting

LED globes and fixtures are one of the best energy efficient products on the market. LEDs have numerous benefits and are particularly efficient at lowering refrigeration energy usage.

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