3 Grand Opening Ideas for Your Business


When you start a business, you put a lot of time and energy into planning every detail. Opening day is fast approaching, and you want to make a good impression on potential customers. You don’t have a big budget, so you want to make sure you get the biggest bang for your buck. When planning the way to woo prospective customers, take a look at these three ideas to make your opening day successful.

1. Custom Products

Consulting trusted marketing experts who can provide you with great business name ideas is one of the best ways to ensure you have the perfect business name that matches your products.  Hats, sunglasses, mousepads, coffee cups, and even shirts are great products to have imprinted with your logo, business address and also web address. With the help of a pad printers business, you can place a bulk order to use as door prizes and giveaways.

2. Raffle Drawings for Gift Cards

Customers like to feel like they’re getting something for nothing, and when you hold raffles and giveaways just for walking through the door, that’s what you’ll give them. Give away things like gift cards for your business or maybe an affiliate business. Teaming up with other companies in the area or bringing in a specialty company for a one-time deal can also be great ways to promote your products and make some lasting business partnerships in the process.

3. Keep the Sales Going

You may want to consider slashing the prices of some of your favorite products the day you open. Consider promoting these prices for the first week of business making it difficult for people to stay away. Make sure your store looks the best and have plenty of helpful salespeople around to minimize gridlock inside the shop.

Opening day is the moment you as a business owner have been waiting for. One way you can help your business be successful right out of the gate is by investing some time and money into planning a celebration to welcome customers and show them why they should keep coming back.
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