4 of the most expensive procedures that you can have done at a cosmetic dentist near me


If you are unhappy with your smile and you are self-conscious about talking in public, then it can be time to look into a local cosmetic dentist near me. Since you may be self-conscious about the appearance of your teeth, the yellowing stains on your teeth from wine drinking or chocolate-eating, or crookedness in your front teeth, can lead to you being shy while meeting new people, nervous about your first impression, and concerned about your oral hygiene. Avoid these issues from taking over your social or professional life and instead look into some of the most common cosmetic procedures that you can have done to a cosmetic dentist near me. If you require a dentist, check Out this emergency Dentist in Greenville.

However, keep in mind -some of these procedures are quite expensive. However, if you can cover the costs of these life-changing procedures, you can have better teeth, better confidence, and a beautiful smile. Let’s see some of the most common and the most expensive procedures that you can pay for at the best dental in Houston.

4 expensive processes that you can pay for at a cosmetic dentist near me

Cosmetic teeth whitening

One of the most common and expensive procedures that you can have done at a cosmetic dentist near me is cosmetic teeth whitening. Although this is purely for aesthetic reasons, sometimes it is necessary – if you find that your teeth have been stained due to years of coffee drinking, wine drinking, chocolate-eating, and smoking, then you need to get your teeth whitened to avoid the yellow stains from taking over your entire life. The price of cosmetic teeth whitening is around $600.

Cosmetic tooth bonding

The next expensive procedure that you can have done at a cosmetic dentist near me is cosmetic tooth bonding. If you have discolored teeth due to lack of oral hygiene and certain dietary habits, getting tooth bonding is the best way to adhere colored material to your mouth to avoid any imperfections from ruining your smile or the appearance of your mouth. If your tooth has been chipped or stained, using cosmetic tooth bonding is the best way to repair small portions of your tooth without having to replace the entire tooth. The average price of cosmetic tooth bonding is usually around $300 or $600 per tooth depending on the price of the dentist and the tooth that they are working on.

Cosmetic tooth shaping

The third procedure that you can have done at a cosmetic dentist near me is cosmetic tooth shaping. Also called enamel shaping, this procedure involves filing the enamel down to change the shape of the tooth to make it fit your mouth more aesthetically and functionally. The average price of tooth shaping is usually between $50 and $300 per tooth.

Cosmetic dental implants

The last kind of procedure you can pay for at a local cosmetic dentist near me is cosmetic dental implants. This procedure involves installing a metal device that can get rid of any missing teeth in your mouth to help your teeth stay in place and avoid any loose teeth from falling out while eating or drinking liquids. The average price of dental implants for cosmetic procedures is usually around $1,000 to $2,000 per tooth depending on the tooth and the location of the procedure.


If you are trying to get cosmetic dentistry done on your mouth to move your smile and remove any imperfections, then you can expect to pay a hefty price for these fixes. However, they are worth it. Find a cosmetic dentist near me to whiten your teeth, bond teeth, and get rid of any stains or chips on your teeth.

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