4 Things to Know Before Learning How to Play the Violin


Learning the violin, in the first few years, usually proves very difficult for most. Whether you’re a child or an adult, learning how to play the violin is not an easy task. Most teachers usually warn their beginners that are adults to expect something similar to a cross between physical therapy and kindergarten. If these two conditions are something you can roll with then you can probably go quite far with this instrument. Nonetheless, it still means you have to resist feeling embarrassed concerning the fact that you have to start from the bottom, like everyone else.

Below are four things you need to know before learning how to play the violin.

1. Physical Therapy

Playing the violin is literally a physical activity. Similar to any other type of physical activity it requires muscle memory, dexterity as well as strength. Just the way a physiotherapist or physical therapist would give their patients specific exercise routines to repeat when learning how to walk and use their limbs properly after a severe injury, violin teachers will give their students various assignments and exercises to help them build technique. If you intend on becoming a master playing the violin, then these small building techniques is where it all starts from.

2. Finding An Instrument

It’s key you understand that having a good sounding, well-functioning musical instrument is important to your growth and learning, especially as a beginner. Bad violins are a lot similar to bad computers in the sense that it will rarely do what you want it to do. It’ll probably need a thousand and one workarounds to get things right, which ends up costing you both concentration and time. All this and still it’ll probably leave you feeling very frustrated in the end. Honestly, you’ll probably require a lot of help when picking your first violin.

3. Caring For Your Violin

Having a violin will mean that you need to understand some maintenance duties and obligations will be required of you from time to time. But, don’t fret too much. This will slowly start becoming a habit as time passes by. Whenever you see a violinist preparing to play you’ll notice them tightening the bow first and then applying over the bow hairs a small object. Bows are usually shaped with a little of a curve. To maintain this shape they have to be loosened every time you aren’t using the instrument.  Be sure to check out Violin Singapore lessons as well.

4. Finding A Teacher

The internet can probably teach you quite a lot on how to play this instrument, especially with the help of portals such as this one. Nevertheless, it’s also good to find a violin teacher you can get close to who has the ability to hear whatever you’re playing in the flesh and can help you adjust accordingly to your particular needs and personal requirements. Not everyone will play this instrument exactly the same. Different students inevitably develop different issues and complications. Teachers will know how to guide them through all the different scenarios.

All in all, playing the violin instrument means that you’re joining a community. You’re nowhere near alone in this journey you may be considering setting out on. Lifelong connections can be made on your path to becoming a master at playing the violin. Once you start the learning process, you’ll also get access to other people that are going through the same thing as you are. So, what are you waiting for? Go on, start your learning process and request a violin teacher Singapore today.

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