4 Tips on Traveling for Conventions


Are you planning to attend a convention in Las Vegas? Whether this is the first or the umpteenth time you are visiting Las Vegas or any other place for a convention, there’s always some anxiety that comes with the necessary preparations, especially the traveling bit. However, do you know how much this elation can cost you? Okay, maybe you don’t. But you’ve probably heard stories about people forgetting their luggage at the airport. Also, it is common to have people cash trapped after spending everything that they had carried to the last cent. All these narratives are true, and you can fall trap into them if you are not careful.

The thrill of going to new places, such as from St George Utah to Las Vegas, will cause even the most traveled individual sleepless nights as they ponder on the exciting things that they will come across during the visit.  But you need to relax. We’ve got you sorted by handpicking the particular things that you need to check on and your time away from home will be blissful. Here are some of the essential tips that you need to check on:

1. Don’t forget your mobile charger

If you are visiting a new place that you’ve not been to, ensure that you carry your phone charger. At times, a phone in a new environment tends to discharge faster than normal as it attempts to search for the network signal. You don’t want to be a nuisance or appear disorganized at the convention as you keep borrowing other people’s chargers now and then. Therefore, to avoid such scenarios, pack your charger in the traveling bag and cross check if it’s there before you set off. If you are using a laptop, also remember to carry its charger.

2. Know the transport apps in the city that you are going

A common assumption that many individuals wrongly make is that they will find an Uber or Lyft at all the places where they go. Sadly, this is not the case as you may come to realize on the night that you’ve just left the conference room only to find that there is no available cab to get you to your hotel room. But this is a question of planning. As you write the things that you need to carry during the visit, ensure that you also scribble at least three transport apps that operate in the city. If you can download them from your phone’s app store, the better.

3. Put some clothes in your carry-on bag

Many times, people lose their luggage in airports and are left without their valuables and clothes. You can stay without your phone and many other luxurious things that you pack on the travel bag, right? But what about clothes? It’s impossible to survive without them. To avoid finding yourself in a fix, put some in the carry-on bag that you take with you everywhere you go. This will help you to stay organized if you lost everything and there’s a meeting that you cannot afford to miss in the morning.

4. Save the convention’s address and the hotel on your phone

Things can get bad at the airport or within the course of your traveling, and you find yourself arriving late than you never thought of. In such a situation, the worst thing that you can do is to lack a clue of where the meeting is to take place or which hotel to stay in. Having the addresses of both places on your phone will help to solve such a mess. For convenience, finding a hotel that is close to the conference venue is essential.

With the above tips, there’s nothing to stop you now. If you follow each one, you are assured that you won’t fall trap to the laughable stories that you’ve heard about people getting stuck after going to conventions. Additionally, ensure that you carry enough money and set aside a portion to spend on things that you hadn’t planned on. Sounds a cagey way of visiting a new place, right? Well, it might look like an old fashioned idea, but it will save you a lot in the long run. Lastly, enjoy your trip. Remember maybe it’s during this convention that you have a chance to meet people who can change your life completely. Seize that opportunity.

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