4 Types of Paper for Best Printing Results


Not all papers are the same. Although papers are printing essentials, not all papers give the same quality of printed outputs. The choice of paper will greatly affect the rendering of the image. First, the paper should be able to complement the image and fulfill the requirements and preferences of a client. It should also last for a time and not get damaged and faded easily. It is the basic material in printing but the paper you choose changes everything- from the image’s value to its sheen and longevity. Here are four types of paper for best printing results:

Couaché or Coated Paper

This paper is manufactured with a coating on top, hence the name. It is made of a mixture of materials like hardened clay. This gives the finished image or text a sharper detail and denser color. Because of its coating, this type of paper will be difficult to write on. Some papers are coated on both sides while most are just one-sided. This type of paper is great for making brochures, postcards, and catalogs. You can choose how shiny the coating will be, whether matte, dull or highly glossed. There’s also a mirror-finish coating if you prefer the outcomes to be really shiny. 

RC Photo Papers

These are the most common types of papers for printing which are great for quick processing and drying. RC stands for resin-coated as it is the case. These can be your go-to paper for most printing needs which include stationery, invitation, and more business products. You may visit reputable printing shops and check the material that they are using and you will find that this paper is commonly used. Some of the shops even have their own website that you can browse to learn more about the printing services they offer. RC photo paper is a versatile paper which can deliver a well-contrasted image because it holds darks and whites very well. Its surfaces range from glossy, semi, pearl, and satin. 


Baryta Papers

This is a high-end paper which results in images and text with greater detail and definition. It is made of a photo paper made of fiber topped in a special barium sulfate coating. It has a smooth and reflective surface which is ideal for portraits for displays. You can easily identify a Baryta paper because it has a distinct chemical smell which is not at all overwhelming. This is the paper for fine arts because it emphasizes rich blacks, contrasts, tones, and sharpness. 

Cotton Fiber Papers

These are papers that seldom cross by because they are the most expensive and the highest-graded ones. They are fine art matte papers great to use for the ultimate fine art quality of images. Cotton papers are usually known as rag papers because it used to be sourced out from the cotton of used rags. It has superior strength and durability which makes it absorb ink better. Pictures or prints tend to last longer on this paper too.

Printing is a requirement for any business, art, or event. Although most people are not well versed in the differences and purpose of each type, it would help to know which are the best ones to use for your next project. The paper that you use can have all the differences that would make your print better and last longer.

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