5 Guaranteed Ways to Get Guests Out of Their Seats


One of the ultimate signs of a good time when it comes to hosting a party is having all your guests out of their chairs, mingling about and filling the dance floor. There is no feeling greater than that of seeing all your guests laughing with friends, socializing and dancing the night away. It makes you feel like you have accomplished something, and they will have something to talk about for a long time. 

Having an empty dance floor or tables with every seat filled, on the other hand, can be quite disheartening, as the guests are not entertained, and they will be bored. However, ensuring that your guests are having a great time is not an easy task. It is not as simple as putting together a playlist of your favorite songs and letting the DJ play it. It involves a lot of work. Below are some of the 5 guaranteed ways to get your guests out of their seats. Read on.

1. Dance Floor Lighting:

One of the ways to get people into the mood is to have some dance floor lighting. This will create the mood for dancing and make them feel more interested in having a great time. The dance floor is the centerpiece of the party, therefore it has to be magnificent. It is advised to use LED lighting as static lighting looks awful. Also, ensure that you have the right ambiance in the venue. You can also add lights in the corners of your dance floor to add some spark to it. Having colorful lights will engage the audience and will have them actively engaged in the party, and dance out to their favorite songs.

2. Photo Booth:

Another interesting way to get your guests entertained is to have a photo booth. Parties with photo booths are way more interesting than those without since people can take pictures and have amazing memories of that day. They are a fun way to let your guests have fun, and they will love the souvenirs for the big day. Therefore, it is crucial to hire a great photo booth company to help make your day something that people will be talking about for months. Ensure that they are efficient, highly experienced, and check with their previous clients to get reviews of their work.

3. Dessert Table With Water:

Since your guests will be dancing the whole night, it is essential to have drinking water ready for them to hydrate. Nothing is as frustrating as dancing your heart out, only for you to note that the party has run out of drinking water, and you are exhausted and need to hydrate. To avoid these problems, ensure that the dessert table has lots of water for the guests. This will also inspire them to keep dancing throughout the night.

4. Traditional Dances That Involve The Guests:

Having the guests involved in the traditional dances will take your party a notch higher. This will make them feel like a part of the party, and they will really enjoy it. There are a number of dances that you and the guests can try out such as the Macarena, Conga Line, and the Chicken Dance. These are quite popular line dances that get the crowd excited and ready to party. Line dancing is crucial to a party as it gets the guests out of their seats and onto the dance floor. The reason is that they are quite simple to learn and most people know about them. Also, the guests will see the rest dancing, and they will be tempted to join in on the fun. Doing these dances can breathe life into an otherwise boring party, and it will kick the party into gear. You can also talk with your DJ on how to facilitate these dances, and come up with songs that will be used when doing these traditional dances.

5. A DJ That Plays Requests:

A party without a DJ is not a party; this is a true statement that any party host should abide by. No one wants to go to a party that has no or lousy music. As a Buffalo disc jockey company in NY, we understand that it is one thing to hire a DJ and another to hire a great one that plays the requests of the guests, because they won’t all do this. Having someone that does not listen to the needs of their attendees will not create an engaging party for you. It will make the guests less motivated to have fun, and they may even leave early. Therefore, do not restrict them from making requests, let them be free. With that, they will enjoy the party more and have their favorite tunes played.

Planning a party is no joke, and making it entertaining is also harder. However, with the above tips, you will be able to keep your guests out of their seats during the party and entertain them all through. All you need to remember is to let things flow, and do not panic. With the right DJ, music and lots of food, you will have a great party. Through it, all, ensure that you also have fun because no one likes to see a sad host at a party.

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