5 Ideas to Grow YouTube Audience & Get More Engagement


Have you just started a new YouTube channel? Or have you been creating and posting videos for a long time but are not able to get the engagement you had hoped for? Well, whichever category you may belong to, you have come to the right place.

We are here to help you build a YouTube audience, and more importantly, get more engagement with the content you create. The more you engage your viewers, the stronger a fanbase you build. 

By getting a higher level of engagement, not only will your views increase, but the number of your subscribers will too. Apart from creating unique and fresh videos, here are 5 ways to build your YouTube audience.

Add music to your videos

Adding catchy music to your YouTube intro and outro is a great way to grab your viewers’ attention. Adding background music to voice over sections can also improve the overall video quality and increase engagement. When choosing music for your video, it’s important to consider the genre and select music accordingly. Sites like Artlist have an extensive library of royalty free music to choose from, so you will easily find something that suits your video topic. You can also use this Artlist discount code to get 2 months free.

Buy YouTube Subscribers

Websites such as Viralyft, GetViral.io, and ViewsExpert are some of the most famous sites to buy YouTube subscribers. On paying a minimal amount, you can get yourself as many subscribers as you want, depending on the package you choose. 

Apart from subscribers, you can also buy YouTube views and likes using these websites. However, it is important to remember that the YouTube algorithm is getting increasingly better at detecting bots, and this can risk your channel getting banned.

But like most problems, this one too has a solution. If you are going to buy subscribers, you must do so gradually. Don’t buy 100,000 subscribers in one go. Start from 100 or 1000, to make the growth look natural.

The more subscribers you get, the more you encourage people to check out your content. A small investment can do wonders for your channel!

Make the Best Use of Your Thumbnail

The thumbnail of your video is what decides whether or not people will be interested in your content. So, ensure that you make it look as attractive as possible. Use good quality, high-definition pictures, and add some text to the image that gives the audience an idea of the content in the video.

You can use websites like Canva, which is a great graphic design platform that lets you create and edit images for all your needs. They also have a huge repository of images from which you can choose the best one that suits your video.

Along with the thumbnail, the title and description of your video also work to entice people towards your video. Use catchy phrases, and look up some good SEO keywords to get a higher rank on YouTube.

Be Consistent

The most important tip to keep your audience engaged with your channel is to be consistent with posting content. Keep a weekly schedule of days when you will be posting new videos, and inform your viewers of those days. 

It is crucial to not let your channel die. Being inconsistent with your channel will not only lead to a loss of viewers and subscribers, but it will also lower your ranking on YouTube for your future videos, according to FameMass.

Keep your audience hooked by being dedicated to them and by creating interesting content regularly.

Use Tools to Analyse Demographics

Knowing the demographics of your audience is necessary for you to create content that appeals to your audience, thereby turning viewers to subscribers. You can use the in-built YouTube Analytics tool to get a pretty detailed idea of the age group and ethnicity of your audience.

Other tools such as Hootsuite and Social Blade can also aid you in this process by analysing your channel and providing statistics about people’s engagement with your content. You can also see where you rank within your niche, and compare your channel to others.

Such data will enable you to do better on your channel, and you will get an idea of which areas to work on to improve your content. 

Listen to Your Audience

Now that you know the things you can do to get a higher number of people to engage with your content, don’t forget the thumb rule of all content creators. 

Listen to your audience! You don’t need to rack your brain, trying to think about how to do better on your channel. Keep a track of what your viewers are saying about your content in the comments. 

You will have to take your audience’s criticism in good spirit and inculcate it in your future videos. It is a sure-shot way of keeping your audience happy. After all, you are creating content for these people, who in return support your channel. 

Another way to keep your audience hooked is by interacting with them. Hold live shows, reply to their comments, and make a note of what type of videos they would like to see next. This will make your work much easier as you won’t have to come up with new topics every time you sit to make a video.  You can even explore options like https://youtube-to-mp3.org/youtube-downloader as well.

These were some of the important tips that you could use to grow your YouTube channel. If you haven’t created a channel yet, well, get going already! Give your creativity a boost and share your talents with the world. As the famous expression goes, “the world is your oyster”. So, make the best use of your time, and earn some money along the way!

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