5 Reasons Why Period Underwear is Better for the Environment


The average woman menstruates for about 30 years, and during that time she will use about 20,000 tampons or pads. What happens to all those used products?

Tampons are made of synthetic fibers, cotton and plastic applicators. The tampon itself is made from viscose rayon, a man-made fiber derived from wood pulp that has been bleached white. The applicators are made of plastic and cardboard. Tampons are bleached with chlorine dioxide, which can cause irritation and allergic reactions.

Pads are similarly made up of synthetic fiber, cotton and plastic backing. Like tampons, they can release toxic chemicals into the environment when they’re disposed of improperly or washed down the drain because they are not biodegradable. Menstrual pads and tampons are products that most women use every month. But these products contain materials that are harmful to the environment.

Many of the best period underwear by Modibodi are more sustainable alternatives because they use organic cotton and don’t use any chemicals or plastics. And, because you only need to wear them for a few hours a day, you can wash them and reuse them for months.

Here are 5 reasons why period underwear is a great investment:

1. They’re better for the environment

The average woman uses between 10 and 15 tampons or pads per cycle. That adds up to around 250-300 tampons or pads per year, which is a lot of waste.

But it doesn’t have to be this way! You can make your monthly visits more sustainable by switching to reusable products, like period underwear. When you use these, you don’t have to throw away so many tampons or pads each month, which means less waste for landfills and oceans.

2. They’re better for your health

Some people who wear tampons or pads experience allergic reactions from certain types of materials used in feminine hygiene products (like dioxin). These reactions can include irritation, itching and burning — which no one wants!

On top of that, some women experience allergic reactions from the latex or plastic used in disposable pads and tampons. If you have sensitive skin or allergies, it can be challenging to find a product that works well for you without causing any issues.

3. They come in colors!

Period underwear is available in a variety of colors and patterns — and yes, it’s true: some underwear even has a little bow on it! Some brands even offer reusable undies with adorable themes like “unicorns” and “pink hearts” so you can feel cute while having your period.

4. It reduces waste

When you use menstrual products like pads and tampons, they can take years to break down in landfills or oceans, polluting our environment with chemicals such as chlorine bleach, fragrances, and plastic fibers that harm marine life. Period underwear is made from 100% organic cotton so it decomposes quickly when thrown into the compost bin (or even your backyard).

5. It’s more sustainable than traditional period products

Tampons and pads are made from non-biodegradable materials like plastic and cotton (which takes a lot of water to grow). Plus, they’re not always 100% biodegradable — even if they’re advertised as such.

But period underwear is made from bamboo or hemp fabric that can be composted. This means it won’t sit in a landfill for thousands of years! And since you only need one pair per cycle, you’ll save money by buying fewer pairs over time, too.



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