5 Steps to Making a Career Change


Being comfortable in the career you are in is essential for personal health and great job performance. Some people choose what they love or what they are talented in as their careers, but not necessarily what they have a passion for personally. However, not everyone is lucky to work in a career he or she likes or enjoys.

Discontented with your current position can make you opt for a career change. Switching careers comes with immense fears and costs, but when done correctly, you will finally achieve your wish. Here are some practical steps you should follow when making a career change:

1. Prepare For the New Career

You ought to start by working towards qualifying for a position in the field of the career that you want. The first thing to do is obtain knowledge by attending either full time, part time, or online classes. You can study at a college or get personal training, depending on the career you are after.  

Lessons are essential for most white-collar professions since they require training certification. As for blue collar jobs, your skillset is what is needed. You can ask someone in that line of work to train you.

Another factor recruiters look for when hiring is work experience in the respective fields of work. In case you are in the same field, it will be easy for you to qualify using your previous experience. However, if you are shifting into a different career, you should consider being an intern or a volunteer to get this experience. You should also make sure that you update your resume to suit the current profession. When writing your CV, you can use a free resume template to make it fit the position you are applying for such as agile project management, technical project management, etc.

2. Understand Why You Have To Make This Decision

Doubt is a normal human emotion that can stop you from making a career change. It is normal to doubt if what you are doing is right or wrong. Making a career change has its advantages and disadvantages, which you should be aware of. Before quitting your current job, you should write a list of the pros and cons of changing your career. This list helps you understand why and if your choice is valid or irrational.

3. Go Through Career Guides

Some people change careers because they did not grow up knowing what they wanted to be. New research shows some people also quit because of a horrible boss. If you are one of them, before switching, make sure that you have read and internalized several career guides. This list will give you some insight into the career you are going to choose. Career guides indicate job descriptions, skills, pay range, and work hours.  Also make sure you use the best resume templates as well.

4. Network With Potential Employers

Ask your friends and family members for connections to employers in the career you want. You can also attend open meetings or seminars held by institutions in the same field. During this meeting, make sure your network and exchange business cards with the employers. Connecting with potential employers is an easy way to get a job since they know you on a personal level.

5. Create a Financial Safety Net

When you quit your job, you are already at a financial risk until you get another job. Job-hunting can take a while, so you need to ensure that the money that you have saved up can sustain you. It would help if you considered downsizing on expenses or looking for a casual job in the meantime.

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