5 Things to Know About Home Renovations


Renovating your home is an exciting time. But it can also be very overwhelming. Before starting your project, consider these five things to know about home renovations below.

1. Live in your home before starting your renovations.

When buying a home you intend to renovate; you need to know how you really feel about the place. It is important to experience the floorplan and know how the space works for you. In many ways, your home can inform you of the changes you really want to make. Otherwise, you face the possibility of making mistakes in your remodelling work, whether this means choosing the wrong paint colour or not realizing how much window glare affects placement of your television or the window treatments you buy.

2. Do your research to find the right contractor.

It is easy to get excited about your home renovations project. You may find yourself wanting to jump into multiple decisions quickly. But you need to take things one step at a time and find the right contractor for the job. Home renovation contractors in Toronto will help you to make renovation decisions, choose finishes and manage the project from beginning to end. They also help you stick to your budget. This is why it is so important to find a contractor you trust who understands your vision for your home.

To find a good contractor for your job, talk to friends or family members who have had work done on their homes. Check online reviews and consider suggestions from people in closely associated industries, such as real estate and mortgage banking.

Work with only licensed service providers

3. Take your time before making the big purchasing decisions.

During your renovation, you will face temptation. This temptation may include issues like whether to upgrade your tile choices or buy the more expensive appliances. Try not to make fast decisions, particularly under pressure from others. Although your contractor or designer prefers certain amenities or finishes, remember that you are the one who has to live there and pay the bills. Think about how you will use the items and whether they are worth the cost.

4. Work with only licensed service providers.

It is your general contractor’s job to find the right people to fulfill the services required for your remodel. They should only work with licensed subcontractors like electricians, plumbers, painters and installers. The contractor is also responsible for getting your building permits and ensuring everything meets code requirements. If you are working as your own project manager, you will have to find these people and meet the legal requirements yourself. Otherwise, you will face big problems with the work, likely go over budget and possibly face major fines.

5. Try to see the small victories as the project goes on.

If you are doing major renovations, you may find yourself washing dishes in your bathtub, eating fast food for every meal or doing laundry down the street. These inconveniences can wear you down pretty quickly. This is when it is important to admire the work that is already done and focus on your early wins.

If you find yourself getting too worn down by the hectic nature of remodelling life, talk to your contractor. This is what they are there for, to help you manage your project. Ask them how one of the major rooms, such as your kitchen, can be completed more quickly. They may have some options to speed things along.

At the same time, consider your mental health. Maybe you need to take a break from the noise and inconvenience of your remodelling project. Consider retreating to a temporary vacation home or hotel. If you are too stressed out by the project, give more of the control over to your contractor or designer. Whatever you decide to do, take some time to stand back and admire the work that has been completed thus far. Seeing the progress can help relieve some of your frustration.

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