5 Things you are never told about parenting before you have your first baby


Your newborn is the beginning of a new phase in your life. There are so many things to learn, especially if the baby is your first. Parenthood teaches you many things and puts you in a position where you must handle various responsibilities. This is not an easy task, but these are challenges that you must face.

Some experiences are obvious, but there are some things that you will never know unless you experience them first-hand. Some are tough and others might even make you cry, but all in all, you will adapt and grow to love your baby like you never imagined. Let’s look at five things that you are never told about parenting before you have your first baby.

Pregnancy is hard, especially in the last months

Pregnancy comes with a lot of mixed emotions and with the body changes, sometimes it can make you feel strange and uncomfortable. With the change in hormones, this can make a woman uneasy and most of the times, many women just want to give birth and free themselves from being sick and cranky all the time. However, this does not mean that being pregnant is a bad thing. With a supportive partner and loved ones, you will eventually get through it.

It will be hard to keep things organized

The moment your baby comes into the world that is the beginning of a new chapter of your life. If you are used to a clean, organized house, brace yourself for some changes. Sometimes, the best toys can help your baby to use their five senses to learn about the interesting new world around them. As the baby grows, you will need to buy them toys among other play items that keep playtime fun.

This is not an easy process and you should not expect your home to be the same. Babies get to a stage where they pick up anything which either goes straight into the mouth or is placed somewhere else.

The process of giving birth is not easy

Labor and birth are not a simple as it appears when you watch movies. Depending on the state of your baby in the womb, how you have been exercising among other factors, you can give birth immediately or have to wait for hours.

Ensure that you are in a good health before your date is due since it is exhausting. However, once the baby arrives, you will be at ease and even forget about the negative side of being pregnant.

The first few months after birth are tough

Many babies cry in the night and the wee hours of the morning making it difficult to sleep soundly. Your first few months will be filled with sleepless nights where you will be forced to be awake most nights. You will also need to give your body time to adjust to its original state. It will get messy, confusing and tiring but everything will pass. During these months, take some time to bond with your baby.

You will change

Pregnancy will change your physical body along with your way of thinking. Sometimes even your priorities have to slightly change, especially if you had not prepared to have a baby. Your baby becomes your number one priority above everything else as you strive to give the baby the care and love that he deserves.

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