6 Awesome Reasons to Move to California This Year


The West Coast state of California is home to an astounding number of people—39,937,489, to be exact.

Most of this massive population is centered around some of the core, larger cities we all know and love: San Diego, Los Angeles, San Jose. California is home to Hollywood and startups that enjoy incentives to start an LLC in California. Los Angeles county is even the largest county in the entire US.

By 2050, California is projected to grow to a population of over 50 million.

Now, it’s famous for a reason. People move to California all the time, wanting to become part of this hustling, bustling, beautiful state that has it all—metropolises, nature galore, an epic coastline, major hubs. There’s no lack of things to see and do in this astonishing place.

You don’t have to take our word for it, either. Keep reading to see some of the most important reasons people move to this West Coast state.

1. There’s No Lack of Outdoor Activities

If you’re a fan of surfing, there are over 800 miles of coastline waiting for you to ride a wave. You can always swim, snorkel, scuba dive, or enjoy long beach whale watching too, as long as you’re okay with some chillier temperatures.

If you’d rather do some rock climbing, there are plenty of outdoor locations for you to climb—Yosemite, any of the national parks, San Fernando Valley—to name a few of the many.

If you want to keep it relaxing, grab your bike and ride on the many piers and trails that abound in California. Go camping at one of their many destinations, or drive your RV down the Pacific Coast Highway.

Regardless of your outdoor preferences, you’ll never be bored when it comes to California’s outdoor scene.

2. The Weather Is Beautiful Year-Round

The climate in California is wonderfully diverse, offering you a place to snowboard and ski in one season, and a place to lay by the beach in another.

The beautiful, tropical climate in California sits at an average of 76.9 degrees. It truly doesn’t get much better than that—with the sun shining on you nearly year-round, 76 degrees is the perfect temperature for enjoying yourself without feeling overly hot or cold.

And the options are always there for you to warm up in the deserts or cool down in the mountains.

3. The Food Scene Is Incredible

And we’re not just talking about the mouth-watering, famous In-N-Out Burger!

California is known for having an incredible, ever-evolving, delicious food scene that locals and tourists can’t get enough of.

The Cali-Baja trend, for one, will never go out of style. It focuses on blending north-of-the-border fresh ingredients with a south-of-the-border Baja-Med flavor profile that you’ll have to taste to know it’s indescribable.

They’re beefing up the Ramen scene, creating poke bowls everywhere, making veggies the stars of the meal, and focusing on fresh, healthy, local ingredients. If you want it, you can bet you’ll find someone who does it (and does it well) in California.

Food alone is a fantastic reason to call up a local real estate expert like Reuven Gradon and get your move to California started immediately—before you ever have to eat another boring dinner again.

4. National Parks Are Everywhere

California is home to an impressive nine national parks, giving residents and tourists no lack of landscape and scenery to explore in.

You’ve got:

  1. Yosemite (the High Sierra)
  2. Joshua Tree (the desert)
  3. Redwood (plenty of tree ogling to be had)
  4. Death Valley (more breathtaking desert)
  5. Sequoia (also the High Sierras)
  6. Kings Canyon (the High Sierras again)
  7. Channel Islands (the Central Coast)
  8. Pinnacles (a different take on the Central Coast)
  9. Lassen Volcanic (the Shasta Cascade)

Each of these nine beautiful parks provides its own world of outdoor adventuring.

Whether you want to climb, hike, kayak, or camp, you can do it all.

5. California’s Highway One Provides an Insanely Gorgeous and Convenient Travel Route

You’ve probably already seen this highway in many a film or TV show. It’s notoriously beautiful, hugging the coastline for 583 miles!

It begins in San Diego and ends in San Francisco, and in between, you’ll find amazing destinations like Monterey, Huntington Beach, or Santa Barbara, to name a few.

Never has a drive been so awe-inspiring, with the massive, roaring Pacific Ocean as your backdrop!

6. Its Wine Is World-Renowned

Just like its food scene, California’s wine scene is equal parts classic and ever-transforming, and enough to call visitors from all over the globe.

California is home to over 3,600 wineries. These wineries are diverse and wonderful, and they encompass more than the always-cited Napa Valley. California has plenty of wine regions, including:

  • Mendocino County
  • Sonoma County
  • Napa Valley
  • Monterey and the Santa Cruz Mountains
  • Paso Robles and San Luis Obispo County
  • East Bay and Livermore

Each region has a unique geography, allowing wine from each area to have special qualities.

And of course, each winery of the more than 3,600 provides a gorgeous backdrop for your wine tasting.

Ready to Move to California Yet?

After reading this impressive list, are you convinced? Have you packed all your bags and put your home on the market or said adios to your landlord?

We wouldn’t be surprised! If you don’t want to move to California after reading this, well—then we’d be surprised.

This list is undoubtedly not all-exhaustive, either. California has much more to offer, from a fantastic comedy scene, to health-conscious, progressive residents, a rocking music culture, and of course, tons of tech advancements. It’s nearly impossible to make an all-encompassing list, as California is as complex as it gets!

We’ve got more great articles where this came from. Keep reading for more interesting content like this.

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