6 Necessary Aspects To Consider Before A Home Renovation


Home renovations can be an exciting yet daunting task for many. Most homeowners dive into renovations only to face disappointments later because they had no clue where to begin. Therefore, having a clear and concise plan before commencing any small- or large-scale renovations in your home is crucial.

Whether you are planning a small DIY or a complete refurbishment, here are some things you should keep in mind before beginning your renovations.

1. Access your budget

The first and foremost thing to do when planning for a renovation is to access your budget. Budgeting is essential. It helps you make use of your money in the most efficient manner. With a pre-planned budget, you will know how much you can afford on a home renovation and where you have to draw a line.

Hiring builders to access you with your budget is a good idea. They can give you clear quotations in writing and help you with details about what to include and what to omit. They can also guide you about tax payments and council permits.

Budgeting will help you avoid overspending and ensure that you always have enough money to spend on highly essential things.

2. Consult professionals

Even if home renovations seem like a no-brainer to you, it is best to get whatever advice you can from experts. You might know a lot about renovations, but you won’t know everything. Therefore, try and get some experienced builders on board who can assist you throughout your renovation process. These experts can guide you about everything from building approvals to what kind of HVAC Air Filters you should install.

Suppose you need assistance with the design and structure of your home. In that case, architects and interior designers can be of significant help. These trained professionals can help all your visions and Pinterest inspirations come to reality. They are usually well-aware of all the tricks that go into decorating and designing a house and can assure you a picture-perfect result. Not to forget, hiring architects and interior designers can be exponentially time-saving.

It is best if you get in touch with multiple contractors before giving someone a job. When you interview and get quotations from different contractors, you will realize the differences in bids and payments each is demanding. Hence, exploring the market before hiring any contractor, whether a plumber or a carpenter, is critical.

3. Think about your timeline thoroughly

Renovations are a time-consuming process and often take longer than expected. Hence, it would help if you always thought about the timing before refurbishing your home.

It would be best if you decide whether you have to move out while the work is underway or not. You should consider temporarily shifting to a different place if you are getting your entire home revamped. Or at least until the bathroom is out of action.

Picturing all factors and elements of a room also helps. Especially if you are planning to spend a fortune on a renovation, consider using mood boards, drawings, blogs, or magazines for inspiration. Remember, when you can convey your vision fittingly, you automatically speed up the process.

Also, be realistic about your timeline. Thinking that replacing old items like bathtubs with new ones will not take long won’t make your job easier. While removal of old furniture might take a few hours, installing new ones can take days. Hence, always select your new items before removing the current ones and be flexible about your renovation timings.

4. Make sure to have enough damp proofing

Damp proofing is a moisture control that restricts moisture from entering the interiors of a building or a property. Dampness is the most common issue in residential areas. It disfigures the plastic surface and can also lead to corrosions of metals used in construction. Dampness can be an alarming risk to buildings and their residents. It creates unhygienic conditions and leads to sick building syndrome.

Therefore, having enough damp proofing is highly critical. Wet proofs can help you avoid health issues, prevent unhygienic smells, and restore the structure of your house. Damp proofing helps in eliminating the growth of bacteria and mildew inside your walls due to condensation. It also prevents your house’s value from decreasing and improves its visuals.

5. Start with your kitchen

A common dilemma homeowners often face is which room they should renovate first. Most realtors suggest you renovate your kitchen first and get it out of the way. One reason for remodeling the kitchen before any other room is because it covers around 59% of your total cost and adds majors to your renovation process. Also, kitchen renovations create the most debris and dust, and hence, it is better to get done with it so it doesn’t affect your freshly painted floors and walls.

However, it would be best if you were strategic about your kitchen remodeling process. Firstly, if you stay at the house while under renovations, you will need to set up a temporary kitchen until your current one is out of use. Then, start by configuring plumbing and electrics for your renovated kitchen. Next, paint the walls, install new flooring, and add counters and cabinets. Always keep installations of large appliances for the end. Finally, fasten your cabinet hardware. Once your new kitchen is ready, you can dismantle the temporary one start cooking in your freshly remodeled kitchen!

6. Expect the unexpected

While it’s good to keep expectations, it is better to be open about changes. You need to understand home renovations because you will always have to make choices you don’t prefer.

Renovations can bring several secrets to light and leave you to deal with them. For instance, your contractor might inform you about a default in your flooring measurements. Now you will have to hire a new inspector, get the floors correctly measured again, and pay the contractor extra money to reinstall the flooring. There are several other examples of such instances occurring. What you need to keep in mind is always to expect the unexpected and allocate a little money from your budget for such mishaps.


Home renovations don’t have to be a hassle if you can plan out everything accurately, suitably, and in good taste. Consider all the costs associated with the process and decide your expenditure limit. Clarify any confusion with a contractor well before you commence your renovations.

If you follow your plan, you will add value to your property and leave yourself with a fulfilling and satisfying result.

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