6 Statement Design Pieces That Are Trending for 2022


After the devastating effects of the coronavirus pandemic and the enforced national and international lockdown of the majority of people across the country, spending so much time at home has made even the previously disinterested positively enthusiastic about interior design.

Whether this sounds like you or you have always been passionate about all things design and décor, continue reading to learn of the six statement design pieces that are trending for 2022.

1. Comfy Seating

Perhaps one of the biggest upcoming home décor and furnishing trends is the move towards less structured and entirely more comfortable and relaxing items of furniture.

From hammocks in the bathroom to a chez lounge in the bedroom, comfy seating is key, and the best way to affordably but effectively bring this trend into your own home is to invest in a stylish and amazingly comfortable sumo lounge cozy piece of furniture.

2. Marble Surfaces

The addition of marble surfaces in your home would both be an incredibly fashionable one, not to mention a beautiful and luxurious upgrade to virtually any room in your house.

Marble flooring, for example, is exceedingly durable, considerably elegant, and is surprisingly quick and easy to keep clean and spotless.

3. Striped Bedding

Up until relatively recently, the trend for bedroom curtains, wall art, and bedding was always plain colors and similar tones, usually in dark blues and green.

Now, however, the more stripes, the better, especially when you overlay different striped patterns on top of each other in contrasting colors. Candy cane prints, sailor-inspired blues, and monochromatic blacks and whites will all work well.

4. Textured Furniture Pieces

A trend that is commonly referred to by social media influencers and respected fashionistas as ‘rigid renaissance’ has one overarching theme that makes the trend stand out from others, and that is the addition of textured furniture pieces in the home.

Smooth wooden tables and chairs are firmly out, and instead, you should consider slat, thin grooves in cabinets, a rough texture to your living room coffee table, and oak or bamboo sideboards and television stands.

5. 1970s Home Decor

As with everything else in life, trends and fashions go around in a circle, and in the impending new year of 2022, 1970s home décor is fully back in style.

Think retro-inspired and intricately decorated mirrors, bold and slightly garish wallpapers on the feature wall of your living room, and even wall prints of artists’ impressions of 1970s pop culture icons.

6. City Chic

The easiest way to explain the new 2022 trend of city chic is to describe a New York apartment with that real brick wall and lots of iron-based furniture pieces.

Think Manhattan neighborhood (or, for the English enthusiasts, Soho) and use bare and bright lighting in key areas of the room, the décor you choose should be minimalistic, yet the pieces you do choose should directly relate to the room, atmosphere, and aesthetic feel of the home as a whole.






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