7 Dad Fashion Mistakes and How To Fix Them


Most of us can relate to having suffered through a few publicly humiliating fashion faux-pas with our dads. While there might be a few fatherly studs out there, it’s not uncommon for dads to make one or more of the 7 dad fashion mistakes below. Don’t stress, however, because we’ve got some advice on how to (nicely) help your pop make better wardrobe choices.

1. He Wears Clothes That Are Too Baggy

A fashion mistake that many men of all ages make is wearing oversized clothes that are too long and baggy for their bodies. Dads can have just as many self-confidence issues as anyone else and that sometimes leads them to hide a too large or too skinny frame behind baggy clothes. Here’s a fashion secret though, that backfires big time. Baggy clothes can actually make the problem you are trying to hide even more obvious. Many dads are surprised to find out how much better they look in clothes that properly fit them.

You can help your dad fix this fashion mistake by going shopping with him and helping him pick out clothes that fit. Your next step will be to hype him up in the lobby of the fitting room, applauding him for his hot new dad look.

2. He’s Addicted To “Dad T-Shirts”

Dads love a good pun and if you’re really interested in why, there’s a whole scientific study published by The Wall Street Journal that talks about the science behind “dad jokes.” These jokes are often printed on novelty t-shirts and given to dads as gifts. What started off as good fun, though, can slowly turn into a bad fashion habit. Funny t-shirts are great sometimes, but your dad would look so much better in a sleek sweater or nice solid-color thermal shirt once in a while.

You might have actually been the start of the dad-joke t-shirt problem, so it’s up to you to fix it. Help your dad pick out some more fashionable clothes and point out how much younger or more sophisticated he looks in them.

3. He’s Got Holes In All His Socks

Does your dad sport a whole drawer full of basic white tube socks? And do many of these socks have more holes than baby swiss? If so, it’s time for a sock upgrade. First of all, if he’s got all white long socks he’s missing out on the different sizes, colors, and patterns that are available to him. Colored socks are a great way to spice up the wardrobe in a subtle way, and they just make you smile when you put them on. When you’re helping your dad become more fashionable, why not treat him to a custom gift set of vibrant comfortable socks from No Cold Feet? You can even include a fun dad-pun on the customizable label and then everyone will be happy.

4. His Colors Are Constantly Clashing

If your dad is constantly embarrassing himself with clashing colors, you’ll first have to get to the root of the problem. Wearing mismatched colors can be the results of a few different issues such as:

  • Being a little lazy and grabbing the first clean articles of clothes he sees.
  • Not having the knowledge of what colors clash on the color wheel.
  • Being colorblind–this one isn’t his fault! He was born this way.

You might have to give your dad a few color theory 1-on-1 lessons to help him learn what goes together. If your dad doesn’t seem to be able to pick matching outfits on his own or his colorblindness prevents him from seeing colors properly, you can help by labeling his clothes or putting matching outfits together in his closet for him. If your dad is colorblind you might be interested in this article that shows you exactly how a colorblind person sees.

5. He’s Got The Wrong Shoes For Every Occasion

Someone has to tell dad that he can’t wear worn-out sneakers or flip flops to every event. Help you dad out by going with him to select several pairs of shoes he’ll need to have in his closet ready to go. A nice pair of sneakers, a good pair of boots, a nice pair of dress shoes, and a pair of sandals if he can’t live without them. Encourage your dad to wear the right shoes with the right outfits and for the correct reasons. Casual shoes for every day and athletics, but the boots or dress shoes for more formal occasions, date nights, or other classy events.

6. He Mixes Fabrics And Textures, And Not In A Good Way

The fabric clothing is made from can change the look and texture of the garment. Some of these fabrics can be mixed and others don’t look so great together. Cotton and denim are a classic mix but other textures aren’t such a good choice. Teach dad to stick to one or two textures per outfit at most. Try to avoid mixing two textures that both look “busy.” A person who is tall or has a larger frame can get away with more texture.

7. He Can’t Stop Wearing Socks With Sandals

One of the worst, and most common, dad fashion mistakes is wearing socks with sandals. Sandals were literally made without socks in mind. Your dad’s white or black long socks certainly don’t look very good showing through the holes in the sandals. If your dad is adding the socks because he thinks his feet are funky, maybe you can treat him to his very first pedicure. If the socks are for comfort, you can have him try a lightweight pair of breathable sneakers that might look a lot nicer with socks.

Your dad might need some fashion tips now and then, but that’s why he has you in his life. Help dad out by spending a little time shopping together and arranging his closet and he’ll really appreciate it.

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