7 Facts about Canada that Will Impress You


Many people love to travel around the world. If you are a globetrotter, then make sure that you include Canada in your bucket list of countries to visit. If you are wondering why we recommend Canada, then some of the most impressive facts about the country listed below may pique your interest and convince you to pay the Land of the Maple leaf a visit.

  1. With 3,855,103 square miles, Canada is known to be the second-largest country in the world, right after Russia. Its land area is so big that you can fit the United Kingdom more than 40 times into it.
  2. Churchill in Canada is known as the polar bear capital of the world, such that residents leave their cars unlocked for pedestrians who might run into a polar bear.
  3. The longest international border is the US-Canada border, and amazingly, it is the straightest border too.
  4. In Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, the police department implemented positive ticketing, providing rewards for youngsters doing something good for the community.
  5. The lakes in Canada make up about 9% of their total territorial area. This is because the country has more lakes than the rest of the world’s lakes combined.
  6. Trees and thick forests cover 30% of Canada’s territorial area.
  7. After Saudi Arabia and Venezuela, Canada holds the third-largest oil reserves in the globe.

For some people, these amazing facts are enough for them to consider visiting the country, or for others, even migrating into the Land of the Maple Leaf. In terms of the former, passport holders from certain countries are required to process a visa to enter Canada. Just keep in mind that regardless of whether you are applying for a tourist or an immigrant visa, you need to be able to provide the necessary documents that they will ask from you to process your application.

Reasons to Migrate to Canada

There are several reasons why you may want to consider migrating to Canada. As one immigration consultant says, for one, compared to other countries, their immigration rules are not as rigorous. This makes it easier for other nationalities to qualify.

The country also offers a dynamic range of immigration and visa programs. This allows those not qualified for an immigrant visa to enter the country through other visa options. Canada also offers one of the best social security benefits for immigrants, and even their educational and health systems are considered as one of the best in the world. Depending on your current country of residence,  you’ll want to look into the exact immigration requirements that you need to complete.

Reasons to Migrate to Canada

To wrap things up, the facts about the second-largest country in the world listed above are only some of the impressive things that may tickle your fancy and convince you to visit it. Canada’s relatively easy immigration requirements might make you want to stay and live there. There are several other interesting things about Canada that you can explore and discover. In this case, make sure to add Canada in the list of the countries that you should go visit as soon as you get the chance to do so, and for sure, you will never regret it.

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