7 Great Websites That Help You Earn Money from Home


Making money online is a lot easier than what it was a decade ago. For starters, there are a lot many opportunities and platforms for internet users now. Secondly, people have become more aware of the power and potential of the World Wide Web. Browsers no longer use Facebook or Twitter only for communication, but also to promote their business, to spread the word of their website and to meet potential clients. Here are seven other great websites where you can earn good money from home.  You may consider finding some best useless websites which can help you make more money in unexpected ways.


Do you have decent photography skills and wish to make a career out of it? Fotolia is a place where photographers can submit their portfolios and get features online. The website provides stock pictures that you find on Google and other search engines. Most clients approach photographers on Fotolia for generic and stock pictures.

You create an account, upload your work, set the price and then bid upon projects that you find. The highest bidder gets an opportunity to contact the client and bag the deal. It is a great platform for amateurs and budding photographers to sell their pictures and earn good money for it.


Etsy is a space for creative artists and designers who love making DIY stuff like artwork, jewelry, fashion, décor items,and other things. It is the best place to sell your craft and find clients who don’t just appreciate your work but are willing to pay good money for it.

All you have to do is create an account on Etsy, upload your work online, and then get noticed but the visitors if your work if good enough. Etsy is a popular platform that has provided considerable earning opportunities to jewelry makers, fashionistas, fashion designers, interior designers,and artists.


Swagbucks is among the most credible and well-known survey sites online that cater to users from across the globe. Filling out survey forms might not sound like a lot of work, but it sure is a daunting and dire task to answer questionnaires for hours on end. But if you have the time and willingness to put in that effort, we’d say go for it! You will be mailed the survey forms according to the preliminary info you have submitted with the website. Often brands approach these survey sites as part of their R&D brainstorming exercises, where they want to get a comprehensive idea of the customer preferences and the market they are venturing into.  Want to learn more?  Check out this Swagbucks in depth review.


YouTube is by far the most popular platform where almost anyone and anything can go viral. It is the largest video streaming platform where millions of content creators have uploaded their content for viewers to watch free of cost.

So how do they earn money? Well, it all depends on the web presence and viewership your content has. The more views you get the better earning opportunities you have. Big brands often approach these popular channels with lucrative deals.

You endorse their products, they pay you handsomely for it. and what’s more, you don’t have to spend a fortune to record a video, a simple camera or even your phones are enough to get the job done.


eLance is a space content writers web developers, animators and designers can find work and build their online reputation. If you are a freelancer looking for work, then eLance is the perfect platform for you. Once you have registered and built an impressive profile, you need to upload your sample work, set a rate and then start bidding for the projects that you are interested in.

The user with the most lucrative offer and highest bid would bag the project. A platform is a great place for an amateur to start their freelancing careers and get an exposure to the practical aspects of the industry


Skillshare is a platform online where you can create and upload educational videos for students and get paid for it. In addition, the content doesn’t necessarily have to be about school or college stuff. It can be about anything from cooking to cleaning to technicalities of filmmaking, fashion and other areas of interest. This knowledge-sharing platform is a virtual classroom, where people of all ages from across the world can attend your classes and pay you for the information.


Fiverr is a weird space online where you can make $5 doing almost anything. People would upload a list of jobs, varying from menial tasks to serious tasks that you can volunteer to take up. It can be anything from creating Facebook posts to replying to emails to gardening to babysitting and even technical stuff like editing and website development.

Most of the tasks you find here are easy, time-saving and pretty easy to accomplish in your spare time. If you have the time and skills to complete the job, you can easily earn $5 per job from the comforts of your home.

The Bottom Line

Online earning opportunities, though in abundance, are not always the safest options for first-timers. There are a lot of threats in the form of hackers, viruses, malware and other stuff lurking online, preying upon gullible users and waiting for a chance to empty their bank accounts. Be rest assured, these 7 websites that we’ve discussed above are completely secure and verified by customers worldwide.

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