7 Job Options that Offer the Choice of Work from Home


The pandemic has given a boost to the “work from home” culture and the lifestyle changes that are accompanied by it. Even as the after-effects of the pandemic are subsiding, the world is experiencing a rise in the number of people wanting to work from their homes.

Based on a survey carried out in New Zealand in the year 2021, 35% of the participants were a part of the work-from-home culture. The number already says that people around the globe are absolutely loving the benefits that this work culture provides.

What’s more convenient than employees sitting afar and still delivering equally-efficient services. Like you really don’t need to sit in your cubicle daily to keep the company functioning at its best.

So, are you looking for job options that offer the choice of working from your own comfortable space and receiving a decent salary? Here are our top 7 picks for you:

1. Beauty Therapist

They are professionals that aim at making their clients feel comfortable in their own skins. This field is witnessing a boom in today’s world, not because everybody loves throwing in money to beautify themselves but because it helps make you feel relaxed.

We are all hiding behind a mask of insecurities, because of the unrealistic beauty standards in today’s world.

These beauty therapists not only make one feel confident, beautiful, and relaxed with their appearance but help them express themselves non-verbally. Some of the specializations in this field are lash technician, nail technician, etc.

People in this field also provide facials, massages, etc which is important for healthy relaxation.

2. Online Tutors

For quite a long time, most schools started operating online due to the pandemic, but it has been a game-changer for the education industry. Now, students can seek lessons from teachers residing around the globe.

Teachers are signing themselves up on teaching platforms and offering to tutor students in various subjects. So, now for instance, if you’re seeking specialized courses New Zealand, it is easily possible, no matter where you’re in the world.

3. Digital Marketer

In this field, people help create an online brand and find untapped audiences for their products & services.

In this profession, you have various specializations to pick from, viz, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), content marketing, email marketing, etc.

4. Data Entry

This field doesn’t require any specific qualifications. However, if you are good with software and like dealing with data, you can easily land a job in data entry. These professionals are perfectionists when it comes to work involving details, as data entry requires utmost precision.

They are also extremely efficient in transcribing interviews, recorded meetings, etc. Thus, this job is extremely convenient for people who are in search of online typing jobs.

5. Web Designer

This career is all about creating and designing structured and aesthetically pleasing websites. It helps inform and educate consumers about a company’s products and services.

Some of their main tasks include designing an appealing website where all the information can be easily navigated, upgrading it continuously, working in cooperation with web developers for the smooth operation of the website, etc.

6. Web Developer

This highly technical field requires you to have a good knowledge of coding. A career in web development allows you to work in different fields like gaming, FMCG, Edu-tech, etc.

Web developers also help assess the website’s capacity i.e., the traffic website is enjoying, its speed, and overall performance.

7. Virtual Assistant

Professionals employed as virtual assistants perform tasks ranging from planning and scheduling appointments to even posting on social media.

Some can also be employed for administrative roles such as updating the calendar, invoicing clients, etc. On the other hand, certain tasks involve managing social media accounts, copywriting, etc.

The average pay for this job is $15 per hour but it might also go up to $20 per hour for employees with expertise in the area of public relations, writing, editing, and social media management. Most virtual assistants are efficient enough to handle several clients simultaneously.

Over to you…

Before you opt for any one of the above professions, do thorough research regarding the qualifications required, match them with your strengths and then make a decision. After all, it is about your career!


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