7 Reasons Why We All Need Air Conditioning


Since the invention of air conditioning, people are no longer victims of extreme weather changes. Humans can now populate areas of earth that were destitute because of inhabitable weather. Whether incredibly hot or immensely cold, air conditioning allows us to transform unbearable weather conditions into livable atmospheres. However, air conditioning is not limited to creating a habitable environment in extreme weather conditions. Air conditioning can alter a variety of factors in your day to day life. Read on to learn 7 different reasons why you need air conditioning.

1. Recycle Air

Air conditioning units actually recycle the air where they’re installed. Hot, unfiltered air can harm your respiratory system and aggravate allergy conditions you have. Using air conditioning, you recycle the air in the room. The air is drawn in, cooled with freon, and then pushed out again. Different AC units utilize different types of freon to achieve their cooling factor. Freon can diminish with time or if your AC system leaks it. This will hinder an AC’s cooling capability. Click here to learn how to check if your AC needs freon. Air conditioning systems are designed to be both economical and healthy. Naturally, indoor air is cleaner than the air exposed to car exhaust, and recycling the air in the room is beneficial to better breathing.

2. Reduce Humidity

While people often think of air conditioning as a remedy to high temperatures, it also reduces humidity. Temperature and humidity are intertwined, and, generally, colder environments are less humid. If you’re struggling with the humidity and not the heat per se, consider turning on your AC.

3. Maintain Body Temperature

Air conditioning isn’t only designed to make areas habitable. You can survive in relatively hot or cold areas thanks to homeostasis systems in the body. When you’re hot, your body sweats to cool you down. When you’re cold, the body burns fat to keep you warm. But air conditioning can help alleviate this stress from your body by maintaining a particular temperature. In the event you feel warmer or cooler than usual you can simply adjust the settings of the AC control.

4. Increase Comfort

People differ; some function better in warmer climates and others prefer the cold. With air conditioning, you will not be limited to the temperature of the climate. You can adjust the heat and humidity levels to one degree of precision of the temperature you function best to have the most comfort when home. 

5. Improved Performance

Excessive heat and cold can stress your body and limit your productivity. Your body has to adapt to the temperature, and this limits your ability to focus on your day-to-day tasks. Air conditioning eliminates this issue and allows you to work at your peak performance without issue.

Air conditioning

6. Save Money

Many people believe that air conditioning is expensive to operate and that it would be costly. While air conditioning does draw electricity, it is actually economically sounder than its alternatives. Using fans in lieu of AC may seem cheaper, but you require multiple fans to achieve a similar, but usually inferior, effect. The electricity used to power multiple fans can actually surpass that used in powering AC units. With the advancement in technology, AC systems can be very economical

7. Better Than Alternatives

You can cool or heat yourself with fans, by taking showers, or by insulating your home. While all these combat the outdoor climate, they are less superior than AC. Air conditioning units are designed to be quiet, often making less noise than fans. Also, simply turning on your AC is much easier than dropping your daily tasks for a cooling shower — not even an option at work. 

Air conditioning makes our lives immensely easier. They provide a level of comfort that previous generations could not achieve. They can offer health benefits by recycling the air, help reduce humidity in your home, and help you be more productive at work. They do all this while still being relatively cheap and more efficient in comparison to their counterparts. Be sure to maintain your air conditioning unit annually as some units have an outdoor component that is exposed to the elements and can become damaged. If your AC seems to work normally but you are not noticing a difference in temperature, it may be set to fan mode, or your system may be running low on freon. Make sure you have no leaks and that you have enough freon to cool the air. Consider buying your AC unit during winter months as their prices tend to spike during summer — the natural peak season.

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