7 Tips to Keep Your Energy Up on a Trip to New York City


You’ve just landed in New York City and you’re excited to check out everything the Big Apple has to offer.

But you’re so tired!

It’s normal to be tired when you’re on vacation. That’s especially true if you’re dealing with jet lag or you’re exploring the city with kids in tow.

Whether you’re planning a day-long journey through NYC’s towering landmarks or you’ve got your sights set on a week-long vacation, these tips will help you keep your energy up all day long.

Stick To Your Routine as Much as Possible

Some of what makes traveling so much fun is that it gives us the opportunity to step outside our normal routines, but that doesn’t mean you should scrap all of your routines.

Sticking to certain routines can reduce stress and ensure you’re well-rested, especially if you travel for work a lot or you’re traveling with kids.

Focus on routines that you have control over. For example, if you start every morning with a cup of coffee, do the same on vacation. Stick to your kids’ bath time routine, and unwind at the end of the night by reading a book.

Eat Balanced Meals

It’s easy to go overboard when you’re on vacation. Before you know it, you’ve spent the entire week eating fried food, and your body can tell.

That doesn’t mean you have to avoid fried food altogether! You should be able to eat the things you want, but if you want to keep your energy up, it also means balancing your meals.

A few tips for eating a little healthier on vacation include:

  • Don’t skip meals, as it causes your energy to crash and encourages you to make poor food choices when you’re ravenous
  • Make sure most of your meals and snacks contain protein, as it’s what will help you stay full and give you plenty of energy
  • Balance your plate, especially at buffets, with a little bit of something from every food group
  • Take the time to savor special treats, but then skip the overly sugary or salty option the next time you eat

Stay Hydrated

It’s easy to go overboard with sugary desserts and salty snacks on vacation, but it’s equally as easy to go overboard when it comes to delicious drinks. It’s not uncommon for travelers to start the day with coffee, drink pop during the day, and end the day with an alcoholic beverage in-hand.

Unfortunately, that will leave you feeling dehydrated and sluggish.

Do yourself a favor and make sure you drink plenty of water. Every time you have a sugary drink (juice included), drink a glass of water. That way you can enjoy all of those delicious drinks, but you also make sure your body is properly hydrated to tackle the day.

Don’t Overplan Each Day

There is no shortage of things to do in New York City. It’s easy to plan every single minute of every day in an attempt to do and see everything you possibly can. That’s a recipe for disaster.

Vacations that are overly planned lead to stress. They also leave you feeling tired and overwhelmed, not to mention disappointed if you miss that dinner reservation or your tickets for a Broadway play fall through.

Do yourself a favor and don’t overplan your vacation. Instead, choose one or two things you really want to do each day. Then, let the rest of your day unfold naturally. It gives you the opportunity to stop into a corner shop or catch a performance at Central Park because you’ve got the time to enjoy all the little surprises that often crop up in the city.

Take Breaks

Sometimes, when you’re feeling sluggish and tired, the best thing to do is to take a break.

That can be hard to do in a busy city like NYC. You don’t want to miss anything! But you’ll miss just as much if you continue slogging along when you feel tired.

A power nap is a great way to take a break. Schedule time into your day to return to your hotel room for an hour or two in the early afternoon. Take a snooze and you’ll be rested for the remainder of the day.

Don’t have time to go back to your hotel for a nap? Other ways to take a little midday break include:

  • Reading a book on a park bench
  • People watching at a café
  • Staring out at the water at Coney Island
  • Resting your eyes in a quiet museum

Move Your Body

Taking a break can be a great way to generate some more energy for the rest of your day, but the opposite can also be true. If you’ve spent the majority of your day sitting in restaurants and performances, you might need to get up and move your body!

Take a quick walk around the neighborhood and take in the sights. A few jumping jacks or joining a free yoga class in Central Park can work too.

Chances are, your hotel has a workout room. Take advantage of it! Take a quick jog first thing in the morning or hit the weights in the afternoon to gather enough energy for a night out on the town.

Do Something Outside

It’s easy to get stuck inside all day in New York City, especially when the weather is cold and rainy. However, it can also end up making you feel tired.

Getting outside has many benefits, which include energizing your mind and body. If you’re feeling a little tired, head outside for a walk or find an outdoor attraction, like the Conservatory Gardens, that you can explore.

If it’s cold, put on a coat! There’s nothing more energizing than the cold New York City air on your face!

New York City can be a tiring place, but it also has the potential to be an energizing place, if you let it. Just follow these tips and you’ll be able to explore the city all day (and night) long!

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