7 Top Girl Dresses That You Need To Wear In Autumn


Autumn has provided no shortage of fashion trends to experiment with. It doesn’t matter if you’re a fan of loud colors or muted silhouettes because A/W 19 provides for all.

Pair any outfit with the Omega Seamaster and you’ll look runway-ready anytime, anywhere!

1. Maxi Style

Put down your scissors and skip trimming the hem of your dresses because summer is over. Maxi-dresses are back in style and their versatile nature makes it perfect for any occasion.

Keep it elegant and go straight from work to your dinner date without any worries because these floor-length beauties will make you look like the goddess you truly are. All you need is to change your work flats into strappy heels to get you in the right mood.

2. Ruffles

Ruffles have been in the fashion industry since the 16th century, but its popularity has been waning throughout the ages. Some days we love it, and some days we hate it. As children, ruffles seemed like the go-to outfit any grownup would choose for a youngling. But as adults, we tend to doubt ourselves whether we can truly rock the frilly style.

Well, ruffles are no longer restricted to your childhood. The fashion revival of ruffled dresses was a shock to everyone. Toddlers lost their sole ownership of bright fluffy dresses.

If you’re too shy for this over-the-top statement piece, keep it lowkey by pairing your denim jeans with a neutral beige ruffle-sleeved top. Turn heads with your layered get-up and never worry about not having the spotlight ever again!

3. Yellow Dresses

The sun need not concern itself this autumn because you’ll be the source of sunshine in this chilly season. Bring summer back with a bright yellow dress to uplift the somber mood of fall.

Wow the crowd at parties and gatherings because this bright hue won’t settle for second place.

4. Asymmetrical Necklines

Square necklines are so 2008. We’re all about asymmetrical necklines this fall. Chuck your square tops and forget all about your collarbones with the rise of the asymmetrical neckline.

Your figure takes new forms by highlighting parts of your body while hiding another. This high fashion look topped with the Omega Seamaster is the perfect power suit to wear for a high-stakes meeting.

Thanks to designers like Carolina Herrera, we won’t be seeing the last of this trend.

5. Feather Dresses

Weirdly enough, designers have been using feathers as their showstoppers during Autumn/Winter catwalks. It doesn’t matter if you want your entire dress to poof with feathers or if you’d prefer a subtle accent sprouting out of your sleeves.

Plumage is a trademark trend associated with Las Vegas showgirls and red-carpet appearances. Without a doubt, this look oozes glamour.

It’s time to take the feather trend out of the runway and into the streets.

6. Lace

While tailored blazers have dominated over some parts of the runway, they also made some room for its spectral opposite–lace. Confirmed: bedroom chic can now be worn as Parisian street style.

In particular, lace dresses were predominant in the A/W 19 runways. With names like Givenchy, Dolce & Gabbana, and Yves Saint Laurent among others, lace isn’t ready to go back to bed just yet.

7. Ren-Faire

2019 is a year of time-traveling, it seems, as trends of old are coming back with a vengeance. Fall 2019 looked like a trip back to the Renaissance era due to the influx of stiff corsets and puffed up sleeves.

Play out your Shakespearean dreams and channel your inner Juliet with a statement dress that will have your modern-day Romeo romancing you into the night.

Skip the runway and strut the streets. Everyday life can be just as exhilarating with these dresses that can cure even the sourest of moods.

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