8 Most Effective Ways to Help Kids Develop a Passion for Math Learning


Math is one of the essential subjects that every child should learn. However, children often find it tough to grasp math concepts quickly at a younger age. This is why many tools have been developed over the years to help kids learn mathematics, but we surely need more innovative ideas to meet the math learning requirements of kids nowadays.

For example, playful learning is a popular way to teach math to young children. But even if your child doesn’t prefer active learning, there are many other ways to learn math at home. Signing them up for math learning apps like Creta Class is arguably the best way to improve their math skills.

Best ways to help kids to learn math

Here with Creta Class’s experience and suggestions, we will look into ten of the most creative and efficient approaches to fostering children’s love of math education.

1. Make Your Own Game

If your child feels disinterested in math and doesn’t want to study, you can make a game out of math activities for kids. Doing so will give you their attention, and learning through games will keep them motivated as well. You can either allow them to create their own game, which helps with their creative thinking, or you can make something yourself. For example, if they complete a course on time, you can take them out for ice cream. Creta Class India also provides math craft games on their YouTube channels to share math games ideas.

2. Compete and Play With Others

Playing games while competing with other kids is one of the best ways to help your kid develop a passion for math learning. It encourages children to explore their interests in mathematics while also helping them learn new skills and improve their cognitive abilities. Playing and competing will also boost their confidence and self-esteem, allowing them to be brave enough to take on new math problems without hesitation.

3. Do Math Investigations

It makes sense why our kids get cranky about math when we reserve it for homework time. You need to change the way you talk about math. Instead of making it seem like a complex subject, make it entertaining. Like in Creta Class, kids will learn with Thundy, Momo and Bella through animated videos. Having conversations that involves the characters and stories can be more fun for kids. Use math vocabulary, create riddles and puzzles, and work with the scale, calculator, etc. Brain teasers and all other math operations help in learning math the easiest way possible.

4. Engage Your Kids in Treasure Hunts

Plan a treasure hunt for your kids once in a while by hiding numbers and letters on different items around the house (e.g., alphabet letters on the fridge). Make it enjoyable by adding clues along the way, like where are the numbers hidden? Where are they written down, and so on? Creta Class also provides practice in every class. Kids can get instant feedback and star collection while learning.

5. Use Stories or Songs That Involve Numbers

Try familiar books, stories, pictures, and songs that involve numbers by asking children questions related to math, such as “What would happen if five was added to itself one time?” or “What would happen if I multiplied 5 x 3?”. You can even read out a story involving numbers during math classes for kids. Playing with numbers and calculations using songs and stories is a great way to let children be passionate about math.

6. Help your kids find a passion for math by teaching others

Keeping kids engaged in math-based activities can help them grow their passion for math. As they engage in such activities over time, they will learn more about mathematics. Inviting someone else to learn from them is one straightforward way to accomplish this. Younger kids are often fascinated by their teachers. For a change, let them take on the role of a teacher to someone else.

7. Learn Math By Involving Kids in DIY Projects

Are you looking for fun math activities you can engage your kids in to teach at home? DIY projects such as creating paper crafts, using a 3D modeling program like Tinkercad, or even using waffles can help them convey mathematical ideas! Kids can learn much about math through various games, including making kaleidoscopes, cardboard counters, cardboard calculators, paper cubes, and others.

8. Kids can grow their passion for math in daily life.

Playing with measuring cups, reading the recipe cards, counting apples, and distributing goods bought from stores. Taking the lessons into real life, all animated video lessons from Creta Class create a real-life situation that kids can practice in life too. All these simple day-to-day activities let them explore mathematical concepts and develop a passion for them.


Children tend to be more interested in math than adults. Children learn best when they are allowed to have fun while also learning. If you have children who enjoy math, then there are plenty of ways for them to develop their love for the subject. There are several blogs where you can get ideas on math classes for kids.

A passion for math learning is an essential aspect of education. It enables children to learn how to think logically, analyze problems and solve them confidently. This will help them develop good analytical skills needed for their future. When kids start learning about numbers, shapes, and patterns at an early age, they also create a keen interest in science and technology.


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