8 Tips for New Data Managers


Data is an integral part of most companies these days, and with the rise in data-driven decision-making, data managers need to be knowledgeable and up-to-date on their field. Whether you’ve been a Data Manager for years or are just getting started, there are plenty of things that can be done to improve your understanding of what you do. To make it easier for new data managers, here are eight tips that will help guide your decisions:

Understand the Scope of Your New Role

The first step for a new data manager is to understand the scope of your position and what you should be doing. In most companies, multiple roles have some level of overlap with data management, so it’s important to determine which aspects fall under the Data Manager job description. Some also use a data management system like customer 360. One way this can be done is by defining a list of responsibilities in a document or spreadsheet. This will help guide decision-making going forward because you’ll know exactly how much work falls under each part of your role.

Use a Program to Manage your Data

Your data needs to be protected – don’t rely on Excel or Google Sheets to store your important files! There are plenty of programs out there that support data management, but it’s most efficient when you can see a list of everything quickly and easily. For example, creating a quick backup file every time something is added to the database will help prevent any mishaps from happening in the future.

Meet with your Team to get an Overview of their Workflows

If you’re starting in data management, it’s important to meet with your team and see what processes they use when doing their daily work. This will allow you to compare the different systems and recommend any necessary changes that can be made for everyone to get more organized and efficient.

Save All of Your Work in the Cloud or on an External Hard Drive

You should always have backups for anything – even if it’s just a copy saved onto an external hard drive. This is how you protect your data, but it’s also important to have access if anything goes wrong. For example, recovering lost files that were accidentally deleted or having quick access just in case the company computer crashes are both key components of keeping information safe. Be sure to save regularly, so nothing gets lost by accident along the way!

Create Folders for Different Projects and Keep them Organized

This is where organization comes into play. Keeping things organized means being able to find what you need quickly and easily. Make sure you have a system for naming everything, so it’s clear what the project is when it was created, who worked on it, and when things need to be updated.

You can never stop learning – that especially applies in your field of work. When new trends are becoming popular, or there’s an update coming up with something you often use, make sure you’re always one of the first people to know about them

Make Sure You Back Up All Of Your Files Regularly

This might seem like common sense, but having an extra backup plan in case anything goes wrong will keep you protected. For example, saving a copy onto an external hard drive will help if the cloud is inaccessible or the company computer crashes. Be sure to keep your files safe and secure!

For you to have a successful career, you must know what tools are out there. Keep track of what programs you use with a list in one document, so as time goes on, the options available will only continue expanding!

Keep Track of What Programs You Use with a List in One Document

It’s important to know what programs you’re using and when things need to be updated – but it can be difficult if there are too many different ways the task needs to be completed. If there’s something new coming up and you need to learn more about it quickly, don’t waste time looking through all of your files – have them ready so you can access information easily! This doesn’t take long but can save tons of time when needed.

Attend Training Sessions on Topics that are Relevant to your Work

This will help you continue to grow in your field of work. New trends are constantly forming, and the best way to stay on top of them is by attending workshops or training sessions where experts can give their insight into what’s new, how it works, when things need to be updated, etc.

There are many ways a data manager can advance their career and become a more valuable asset to the company. If you’re looking for some advice on getting started or what direction may be best, we have compiled this list of 8 tips that will help guide your decision-making process. Hopefully, by reading these points, you will understand which path is right for you and where there might be potential pitfalls in trying different approaches. Let us know if any questions come up! Good luck with whatever future endeavors await.


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