9 Tips for Choosing the Perfect Wood Murphy Bed


You know what they say: nothing straight beats a bunk.

Even if they don’t say that exactly, a Murphy bed is an amazing addition to any home.

They take up minimal space and provide some of the coolest features you can get in a bed. Whether you need a bed for your guest room or a cozy space in your basement, a wood Murphy bed will look fantastic.

But how do you pick the best wood Murphy bed for your home? There are a lot of options out there, so you want to be sure you’re choosing the right one.

You can be confident you’re picking the perfect Murphy bed for you with a few simple tips. Keep reading to learn more!

1. Determine Your Space and Needs

When selecting the best Murphy bed, decide exactly how much space you have and what your sleeping needs are. Measure your room and determine the amount of space required when the bed is unfolded.

Consider the layout of the room and the impact it will have when you pull the bed down, such as if you need to move furniture around. Think about how many beds you need, as well as if it needs to have a desk or other furniture.

Determine if you need a twin, full, or queen-size mattress and if there is enough space to fit it. Ask yourself if you need storage or drawers and if it will fit in your chosen style of furniture.

2. Choose the Right Wood Type

When choosing the perfect wood Murphy beds, the first thing to consider is the type of wood. Hardwoods, like oak, maple, and walnut, are durable and strong and make a good choice for Murphy beds.

There are also softer woods like pine that are less expensive and provide a good choice if you’re looking for a lighter wood or style. Make sure to consider the finish of the bed, such as a high-gloss or a matte finish. This will affect the overall look of the bed.

3. Consider the Finish

When it comes to choosing the perfect wood Murphy bed, considering the finish is a crucial factor to take into account. Wood is available in a variety of natural finishes that range from light maple to dark mahogany or cherry.

Each of these finishes provides a different aesthetic and style to complement the rest of the bedroom decor. Other finishes come in traditional lacquers, painted and textured options, each providing a unique look.

Consider the furniture and other bedroom decor that is already in the bedroom. For instance, a painted bed with a French Provincial style may contrast with a contemporary dresser in a mahogany finish.

4. Think About the Mechanism

When selecting a wooden Murphey bed, it is important to consider how the bed is unfolded and stored. Potential buyers should take into account what kind of mechanism the bed uses and how easy or complex it is to operate.

It’s important to consider the different mechanisms available and compare delivery times and warranties. For example, Eurolifts are widely popular due to their zero-clearance design, and wall beds can safely unfold without any risk of the springs snapping.

5. Test the Comfort

When selecting the perfect wood Murphy Bed, one of the most critical parts of the selection process is to test the comfort. Determining if the bed is the correct size, height, and sleeping surface for your needs is very important.

You should test the bed’s mattress for support, comfort, and breathability. Consider looking for a mattress with additional memory foam layers or gel foam for added cushioning.

It’s essential to remember to bring your own pillow along with you for testing, as stores may not have them available. Don’t forget to pay attention to noise level as well, such as when the bed is opened or closed.

6. Consider Noise Levels

When considering a Murphy bed, it is important to consider the noise levels. Try to look for beds that are constructed out of solid wood and have metal hinges and hardware that are designed to reduce noise when operating the unit.

Additionally, ensure that the mattress used with the bed is of good quality to ensure no squeaking or other noises while sleeping. Finally, choose a wood Murphy bed with a good warranty to be sure that any issues related to noise will be covered.

7. Check for Safety Features

It is essential to make sure that your safety is taken into account when choosing a wood Murphy bed. When evaluating the bed, be sure to look for any manufacturer warnings or labels regarding weight capacity and overall safety.

Check that the lock mechanism that holds the bed in place is secure and easily accessible. Furthermore, consider purchasing a Murphy bed designed with protective stop rails, side safety panels, or mattress guards for an extra level of safety.

8. Review Warranty and Return Policies

When choosing a Wood Murphy Bed, it is important to review the warranty and return policies offered. Make sure to read the fine print and understand exactly what is covered by the warranty and what is not.

Find out what type of repair or replacement is offered, as some warranties may only cover certain damage, such as moisture or surface damage. Additionally, take the time to find out the return policy of the company and if they offer any type of money-back guarantee.

9. Customize Your Murphy Bed

When choosing the perfect wood Murphy bed, customization is key. Start by deciding on the type of bed you want, such as a queen, full, king, or twin size. You can also opt for a wall bed that is attached to a desk or wardrobe.

Additionally, think about the style of the bed and the look of the room that it will be placed in. You should also look at any additional features, such as lighting or bookshelves, that you would like to add on.

Choosing the Best Wood Murphy Bed

Choosing the right Murphy bed can have a big impact on the look and feel of the room and allow you to get the most out of the space. Consider factors such as the size of the room, the weight of the mattress, and the style of the bed to select the perfect bed for your needs.

With the right selection, you can maximize the space in your room! Contact a specialist today to learn more about selecting the perfect wood Murphy Bed.

For more informative topics, check out the rest of our site.

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