7 Reasons Why You Should Always Be Upfront and Honest With Your Attorney


Attorneys aren’t usually present for our most shining moments. Instead, they see us through life’s biggest challenges. They’re there to deal with the aftermath of our biggest mistakes, as well as the mistakes of others.

It’s normal, when speaking to friends and family, to act as if you’re looking through rose-tinted glasses, but that’s not what you should do when you’re working with an attorney. It is extremely important to be upfront and honest. 

Here’s why:

  • Your attorney won’t divulge the information you share
  • It helps you establish a more meaningful relationship
  • Small details may not be as small as you think
  • Your attorney is able to create a better case
  • They have a clearer idea of the most likely outcome
  • They can better instruct you on what to say and do
  • It has the potential to save you money

Your Attorney Won’t Divulge the Information You Share

Almost everyone has heard of attorney-client privilege, but expecting the sanctity of attorney-client communications can be trickier when you’re in the middle of your own case. Surely attorneys aren’t that tight-lipped about the details of your case?

The truth is that attorneys are absolutely serious about keeping the information you share confidential. Their job and reputation depend on it. No matter what you say to your attorney, you can rest assured that they won’t share it with anyone else.

It Helps You Establish a More Meaningful Relationship

The best relationships are built on trust. It’s true when it comes to friendships. It’s true when it comes to romantic relationships. It’s also true when it comes to your relationship with your attorney.

The relationship you have with your attorney is a unique one, as they are fighting on your behalf to make sure that you’re treated fairly. All attorneys fight hard for their clients, no matter what, but the process goes more smoothly, and it is often more successful, when you’re honest with your lawyer.

Small Details May Not Be as Small as You Think

There are 21 different types of evidence, with some seemingly more important than others. It’s easy to think that a certain detail isn’t that important, but it isn’t your job to decide what is important and what isn’t. That’s your attorney’s job.

The fact is that many small details aren’t as small as you think they are. One single detail can poke a hole through another person’s story or open up a new avenue of research that your attorney hadn’t considered before.

By being open and honest with your attorney about every little detail, you’re able to use all of the facts in your case to your advantage.

Your Attorney is Able to Create a Better Case

Because you’re being open and honest about the big things, and you’re willing to share even the tiniest pieces of information, you’re giving your attorney the ability to create the best case possible. 

That includes sharing the seemingly bad stuff that goes against the case you’re trying to make. When your attorney is aware of all of it, they have a better idea of what to focus on, what to explain, and how to proceed. Not to mention, it prepares them for what might come out during the process should an opposing party discover unbecoming information about you or your actions.

They Have a Clearer Idea of the Most Likely Outcome

There is a dizzying array of possible outcomes in every case. For example, in a personal injury settlement, you might get a few thousand dollars, or you might get hundreds of thousands of dollars. Your settlement could even end up in the millions, depending on the particulars of your case.

And those particulars include how open and honest you are.

You increase your chances of getting the best possible outcome in your case when you’re truthful with your attorney, but it also helps your attorney figure out what the most likely outcome is. Having a good idea of what might happen because you provided accurate information can make it a lot easier for you to sleep at night.

They Can Better Instruct You on What to Say and Do

You have to be very careful about what you say and do if you’re in the middle of a case. You don’t want an ex-spouse and their attorney to judge your fitness as a parent based on an angry outburst or an insurer to deny your claim because your social media profile made it look like you aren’t as injured as you claimed.

Be open and honest with your attorney and they can help you avoid self-incrimination. They can help you figure out who you can talk to, who you shouldn’t talk to, and what kinds of things you should avoid saying so that your case moves forward according to plan.

It Has the Potential to Save You Money

Lawyers can be expensive, with some charging hundreds of dollars per hour. The last thing you want is for your attorney to go on a wild goose chase because you didn’t divulge important information or something you said was misleading. Your attorney could spend hours building a case or chasing a lead that doesn’t end up contributing to your case in a meaningful way.

You give them the best chance of getting from point A to point B without any detours when you provide them with honest information. They can work with accurate information from the start, which can end up saving you money over the course of your case.

It’s normal to want to spin things so you look and sound better, especially if you’re in the midst of a court case, but it rarely works out in your favor. Instead, it damages your relationship with your friends and family, and it can downright tank your chances of winning your case.

No matter how uncomfortable it is, being honest with your attorney is the only way to go. They’ll keep your information confidential and use it to represent you to the very best of their ability.

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