From Design to Display: The HelloPrint Guide to Effective Flag Printing


Transforming your brand’s advertising/marketing isn’t complete without some excellently designed custom flags. Various print materials have a unique impact on your prospects, especially when applied strategically.

If you’re considering scaling your organization’s advertising with new designs and print materials, ensure to follow this article through till the end. Let’s see what it takes to move from design to display: The HelloPrint guide to effective flag printing.

Tips to Design Top-notch Custom Flags

Winning in the game of custom flag design is a function of observing the rules of the game. Whether you own a small brand or a large business outfit, these tips will help you design the best custom flags for your advertising.

Define the purpose of the flag

First and foremost, you need to define the purpose of the custom flag you intend to design. Advertising flags look amazing when displayed indoors or outdoors. However, your goal may not be just to display something for people to look at while passing by.

Do you desire to create awareness to promote your brand’s message, or do you want to attract prospects to your stand at a trade fair? Whatever the objective may be, ensure that you properly define it before you go ahead to choose a flag style and start designing.

Define your brand’s identity

Every design is created twice: first in the mind and then on your computer. The order matters as it may be tough to create a stunning design without first visualizing its mental equivalence in your head.

So, ensure to take a moment to define your brand’s identity, which includes your logo, unique colors, and message. Understanding your brand’s personality will certainly influence everything about your advertising flag design.

Select the perfect flag style

There are a myriad of promotional flag styles to choose from, depending on what you’re advertising and the proposed location. While some flags may look sleek and creative, they can only convey a short message (write-up).

In the same vein, simple flags come with ample room to convey your brand’s message with bold fonts. Also, while some flags are firm against the wind outside, others may keep dancing to their tune due to their designs. So, choose the perfect flag style that suits your needs.

Use the right typography

Sometimes, the desire to explore various forms of creativity may end up ruining your advertising flag design. One common aspect to pay attention to is the type of fonts you use to convey your message.

Fonts that are too difficult to read, especially from a distance, may not be ideal for your flag. So, ensure to use simple, clear, and legible font styles no matter what creativity you’re unleashing.

Visibility is everything

What’s the essence of the advert if your prospects can’t see your flag and understand almost the entire message at a glance? Therefore, it’s vital to ensure that your background color and text color contrast and form a beautiful blend.

Also, the atmosphere of the location where you intend to display the flag should influence the color you use. For example, flags with bright colors are best for indoor locations with dim atmospheres. On the flip side, you need calm colors when designing flags for outdoor use.

Print with excellence and quality

This is where you transform your creativity into its tangible, physical equivalence. Printing quality can make or mar your brand’s advertising. Most of the time, people judge an organization’s capacity to deliver by the quality of its promotional materials.

Whether it is right or not to judge a brand’s ability to deliver through the quality of its promotional materials, do not be a victim of the other side of what your prospects might be thinking. Simply let “magical hands” from HelloPrint handle all your printing jobs, including your organization’s promotional flags.

Choose the perfect display locations

Location! Location!! Location!!! This is another factor that makes your promotional flags stand out. Not all flags are ideal for all locations.

While some flag designs, like teardrop flags, are firm for outdoor events because of disturbances from the wind, others, like edge flags, are perfect for indoor.

Put your budget into consideration

Although this final tip doesn’t directly impact your advertising flag in terms of whether or not it makes it beautiful; however, your budget can affect the size or style of promotional flag you can go for.

So, ensure to match whatever size or style of advertising flag you want with the available financial resources you’re willing to channel into the design and printing costs.

What Materials are Used to Print Flags?

Promotional flags are printed with high-quality fabrics like nylon and polyester because of their ability to handle weather conditions, as well as wind. The printing process is dye-sublimation, which guarantees sharp color output and durability.

Printing on promotional flags can be one-sided or double-sided. However, most flags come with double-sided printing. This ensures that potential customers from either side can see your brand’s message.

Advertising flags are also attached to lightweight poles, which are mounted on a base. The base usually features a bearing (spindle), incorporated to allow the pole to rotate without any hindrance. In addition, the base ensures that the flag doesn’t wrap around the pole when moved by the wind.

Final Words

Launching from design to display: the HelloPrint guide to effective flag printing can help you boost your advertising/marketing. The tips unveiled in this article can help you from start to finish until you create your amazing, sleek promotional flags.

So, be sure to keep an eye on the rules shared above when you’re designing a flag for your brand awareness, marketing tour, trade fair shows, award ceremony, dinner night, etc.

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