Are You Treating Your Car Right?


Your relationship with your car is unique. It helps you get to the places you need to be, and run your errands smoothly, and in return, you perform the necessary maintenance. In a perfect world, this statement would be correct. But hectic lives, multiple responsibilities, and budgetary concerns can all cause any driver to fall behind on oil changes and necessary repairs. Unfortunately, this is how cars die.

If you treat your car well, it will return the favor. Many people will decide to avoid their automobile issues, hoping that they will magically go away. In many of these cases, a small and inexpensive problem becomes a much larger, far more expensive problem with time. Taking your car to a reputable mechanic at the first sign of trouble, or when overdue for an oil change or maintenance procedures, is a must.

Is my car in trouble?

Your car may be in significant danger of failure if you do not follow the manufacturer’s maintenance schedule, often located within the driver’s manual. This schedule should not be seen as a recommendation but as a necessity; otherwise, you may end up with some expensive problems.

For owners who properly maintain their vehicle, the risk of car failure is far less, but not gone. Unforeseen road conditions, traffic, and poor driving can all contribute to unexpected problems. But there are a few critical symptoms of engine or transmission trouble. As you know, the engine and transmission are generally the two most expensive components in any car. Keeping them healthy is imperative.

A few symptoms of engine and transmission issues include a grinding or shaking sensation while in gear, a burning smell, whining or humming, and, the most visible, a bright check engine light. Should you notice any of these symptoms while driving, do not hesitate to pull over at your closest mechanic’s garage and have them perform a car diagnosis to locate any problems.

Though you may curse your unexpected car trouble, getting the problem fixed sooner rather than later will save you money and help your car to live longer.

What services are available to save your car?

The first and most important thing that a mechanic will do when servicing your car is a general diagnostic examination.

First, the mechanic will perform a visual examination of your vehicle, making a note of any bumps, dents, hanging parts, loose bolts, or unusual signs. Secondly, they will run a diagnostic test using various instruments and software. This second step will check the internal computers of your car for any warning signals or alerts, such a low tire pressure, faulty ignition coils, and busted brakes.

A proper diagnosis should cover all major components of your vehicle, ranging from the health of the engine and transmission to the air conditioning coolant levels. Having your car diagnoses as soon as possible can save you thousands of dollars in repair costs, and may even save the life of your car. Do not feel ashamed about being behind on your maintenance schedule. Take action to correct this issue, and you’re sure to feel a lot better.

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