Little known travel perks that come with credit cards


When it comes to making some purchases, you may think that using cash or a debit card is enough. But using a credit card to make your purchases will actually give you more benefits, especially when it comes to travel. While cash is still very important when you are traveling, using it alone exposes you to some risks, like theft. By using a credit card, you lessen this risk and you also have a backup in case you run out of cash. So, whether or not you are traveling overseas, using credit can provide you with great advantages and travel perks.

Here are 5 travel perks that come with credit cards that you may not know about.

1. It helps you save money abroad

Little do people know that using a credit card can actually help you save a great deal of money especially if you use one that has low or even no foreign transaction fee. These cards also provide better exchange rates compared to ATMs, kiosks at the airport, and other foreign exchange centers. Each time you convert money to another currency of the country you are visiting, you lose your money’s value, but that won’t be a problem if you use a credit card that has no transaction fee.

2. It is more convenient than cash, especially when you are on a trip

When you are traveling, you definitely don’t want to carry a wad of cash. Using a credit card is basically easier and safer. Not to mention, Visa and Mastercard are basically accepted almost anywhere in the world. You no longer need to have your cash exchanged. With just a swipe, you will be able to pay for everything and track your expenses in your statement. It’s definitely a more convenient way to process.

3. Credit cards offer free travel insurance

Credit cards provide travel insurance when you book your flight using their card. It is a complimentary perk that comes from using a credit card. So you get to save money on buying insurance which is oftentimes expensive and has a lesser coverage. Travel insurance is very important especially when you are traveling overseas so it is definitely a must-have. Having a credit card will save you the hassle in looking for one as it is already one of the perks when you book your flights using your credit card.

4. You can have travel assistance anytime you need to

As a credit cardholder, you have the advantage of 24/7 travel or medical assistance through credit card concierge service. You will be able to receive help when you need it wherever you are in the world.

5. Exclusive travel promotions

One of the perks of having a credit card is that you get the first dibs when there are exclusive special offers and promotions available for travel. The credit card company provides these perks to cardholders which will help you save even more money when traveling. So the next time you plan on going on a trip, you may want to check first what exclusive promos you can take advantage of.

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