Common Mistakes People Make When Buying Hearing Aids


Suffering from hearing problems can be limiting, especially to the quality of life of a person and their relationship with others. Hearing problems can put people at a disadvantage, whether at work, in school, at home, among peers, and in almost every other setting. To cater to this, our audiologist Scottsdale may recommend hearing aids after a proper examination in order to help improve hearing and functionality. With hearing aids becoming a common solution to hearing problems, most people still find themselves underserved.

One of the major reasons for this can be attributed to the variety of hearing aids available on the market. Like any other products with several variations to choose from, making a final choice becomes harder as each option appears to be better than the rest. Hearing aids that are rechargeable have been popular these last few years and have gone through numerous advancements. While the process can be significantly overwhelming, from choosing the type of provider to work with to the specific hearing aid for your needs, we aim to ease you into the selection process by giving you insight into the more commonly committed errors so that you can avoid making them.  To help you further, reviewed hearing aid brands and models of 2020, ultimately selecting a list of the five best hearing aids on the market. Do check out their resource.

Error #1 – Making A Final Decision Based On Information Contained In A Mailer

Digital marketing is on the rise and with it, there is a target audience group who is presented with certain messages in the hope that they take the bait and make a final decision. Several insurance companies, private practices, franchises, manufacturers of hearing aids and other concerned parties have subscribed to this active service thus delivering customized hearing aid emails into your inbox.

One of the most enticing catches they offer is an amazing discount on a purchase and with the knowledge of consumer behavior, chances are that you will take the bait and eventually purchase a hearing aid from them. While this is not to say that all mailers are bad and that you will get below-par satisfaction, you should ensure that you read the fine print of all email and conduct extra research into the products offered, whether one is calling on participants for clinical trials or an already launched product.

Error #2 – Buying Generic And Cheap Hearing Aids

Most people are more concerned about money and would rather choose a generic, off-brand. They would rather purchase cheap hearing aids which their insurance claims cover than invest in a better option which may be slightly more expensive but offer greater functionality and advantage. It is important to note that in most cases, choosing a low-end, low-cost basic hearing aid may put you at a disadvantage. Be sure to weigh out your options, look into the advantages offered and features present. Check out the best hearing aids canada and buy the most suitable product for you for the lowest price.

Error #3 – Not Choosing The Right Provider

Getting the best hearing aid solution starts with choosing the right provider. Two professionals can primarily dispense hearing aids: an audiologist and hearing aid dispensers. An audiologist Scottsdale is a professionally trained person who has undergone extensive training in hearing, balance and other related disorders. Working with an audiologist means you will enjoy the benefits of years of training which includes postgraduate studies at the masters or doctoral level.

A hearing aid dispenser, on the other hand, can also perform basic examinations and tests. Based on this, they sell hearing aids and provide additional services. However, a hearing aid dispenser is limited in their area of practice compared to the audiologist Scottsdale.

Error #4 – Failure To Verify Your Hearing Aids Using Real-Ear Measurement

As science improves, it seeks better ways to make sure that products are better tailored to the needs of consumers. With consumer satisfaction in view, real-ear measurement, an objective yet a scientific way to ensure that hearing aids are performing at optimal capacity for each user was brought about. Real-ear measurement involves placing a thin-probe microphone on the outside of the patient’s ear while they wear the hearing aid. This is aimed at measuring how well the device is responding while taking into account other factors like the size and shape of the patient’s ear.

With real-ear measurement software in use, patients can be guaranteed a well-tailored hearing aid. However, in the absence of this, chances are high that the patient may be unable to get the most out of their hearing aid as it may be under or over-performing.

Error #5 – Choosing Hearing Aids Based On What You’ve Seen On Friends And Family

Most people love to wear matching outfits and may extend this to medical devices like hearing aids. While there is nothing bad in wanting this, there is no guarantee that what is good for one person will address another person’s hearing condition and needs. When choosing hearing aids, it is important that you do away with all sentiments and instead choose one that best matches your needs. It is always recommended that you visit your audiologist Scottsdale with an open mind, listen to what they have to say and ride on their expertise when making a choice.

Error #6- They Think Their Hearing Loss Is not Bad Enough for Hearing Aids

Since severe hearing loss makes it impossible to hear even speech in quiet settings, it is difficult to ignore. However, many individuals disregard the problem when it comes to those with mild to moderate hearing loss, which is most noticeable in noisy settings or during group chats.

In addition to the fact that more devices are available for moderate sufferers (more severe hearing impairments typically do not qualify for the more covert, invisible in-the-ear devices), the longer you go without amplification, the worse your hearing may get owing to brain atrophy.

Did you know that the brain has a role in hearing? When your brain spends a lengthy period unable to convert random stimuli into audible sounds, it begins to shift hearing-related functions to other senses. Untreated hearing loss has been related to other problems. According to research, folks who have minor hearing loss symptoms may be twice as likely to acquire dementia as those who have sound hearing.

Error #7- They Decide to Settle for the Wrong Technology Level

Hearing aids generally produce the best outcomes for those with moderate loss. The newest hearing aid technologies can drastically transform your life even if they won’t solve your hearing problems. However, it’s crucial that you pick the appropriate technology for your hearing requirements.

Having trouble hearing in group discussions? How about at a dining eatery? No issues! You can hear clearly in busy surroundings thanks to features like background noise suppression and directional microphones.

Hearing Aids come in several technology levels, as you go up in levels the level of noise cancellation and performance in noisy environments improves.

Never settle for anything less than a mid-range gadget with the qualities I just stated if it is in noisy places that you suffer the most. Although you could initially save a little money, you will not receive the complete advantage you need and will ultimately quit wearing them.

The more cheap hearing aid solutions might be advantageous if you are a homebody and simply require a little amplification to hear the television and your partner in the house. But when everything around you starts to become a little noisier, do not anticipate miracles.

Error #8- They Assume a National Chain Means Better Pricing & Service

This rule most certainly applies in the Australian hearing industry. Compared to online suppliers, national chains have much greater overhead.  Just consider the rent that clinics that are located in shopping malls are paying. Unfortunately for their consumers, they must find a way to pay for these expenses, and in most cases, the margin they receive from the sale of hearing aids serves as that means.

In most circumstances, you should not need to see a patient more than a few times to get the settings correct if the hearing aids are set up properly. First-time hearing aid users will require a few additional appointments to get everything set up properly, but even so, you will still wind up saving a sizable sum of money if you need to pay for additional visits beyond those that are already included. 

Error #9-They Assume a Smaller Hearing Aid is Better

Companies promote these little devices like they are going out of style because they are all the rage. Unfortunately, only a tiny portion of those who have hearing loss can wear them.

It is not always preferable for hearing aids to be smaller. The technology and specifications found in behind-the-ear gadgets are too large for the small devices that fit into your ear canal.

The frequency with which bespoke in-ear gadgets must be repaired or maintained is another item they fail to disclose. I warn every patient that they should plan to go without their invisible hearing aids at least twice or three times each year while the manufacturer repairs them.

Error #10-They Have Unrealistic Expectations

Hearing aids will not restore your hearing or allow you to hear like you did when you were 18 years old. Additionally, they will not offer you hearing like a bat in noisy surroundings.

Just remember to temper your expectations before slipping on your first pair. In noisy cafés and restaurants, it is often challenging to hear. Even those with great hearing might get disoriented by background noise. You often forget this if you have been dealing with hearing loss for a while.

Finding the optimal device for your budget and degree of hearing loss is crucial and collaborating with your doctor to achieve the greatest results is also critical.

Error #11- They Buy a Cheaper Device Overseas

Do not get sucked into buying a pair of hearing aids from overseas. They do cost less. Yes, these are the same models as those available here. But beware the buyer! If they malfunction, you are not covered by any local guarantees. You will not be able to return them to a nearby manufacturer if they need repair. If they need to be flown back overseas, you will be forced to go weeks without them.

In addition to being on your own if they break, it will be challenging to locate a local doctor that can program and fit them for you.

We are aware that looking for a deal might be alluring. Limit your discount-seeking to clothing and footwear purchases. It is not worth the danger to buy hearing aids online from another country.

Dozens of clients who have purchased a cheap device only to find out that they are rubbish, do not think a modern hearing aid is the same. Every year, hearing aid makers invest billions in R&D, and the results are astronomically different.

Error #12- They Purchase Hearing Aids Without a Trial Period

Never buy a set of hearing aids until you are positive, they will function and are the best fit for you. Nowadays, the majority of vendors provide hearing aid purchases with free trials or money-back guarantees.

Make sure you can bring the hearing aids home during any risk-free trial period. You must be able to test your new hearing aids in all of the different listening situations that you frequently encounter.

Your brain needs some time to become used to your new hearing aids. This is the reason a new set of hearing aids will never be set up to your ideal level the first time. It requires a few sessions to perfect the programming and tweaking. If your hearing aids do not look “perfect” at first, do not be discouraged.

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