8 Top E-commerce Tools of the Year 2021: Guide to Entrepreneurs


From an engaging advertising campaign to streamlining the checkout process, there are tons of things that e-commerce sellers have to consider in order to ensure a better e-commerce experience. This is where e-commerce tools play a pivotal role in assisting e-commerce sellers.

In this article, we are highlighting some of the top e-commerce tools that help sellers become successful –

1. PushOwl

One of the biggest issues that merchants deal with is the numerous abandoned carts, which significantly contribute to a lot of revenue loss every year. PushOwl is an effective e-commerce tool that facilitates automated abandoned cart recovery. This cart reminder tool allows sellers to customize three automated push notifications to recover the order and acquire revenue. Push notification is an important marketing channel that can help the audience stay updated with the brand. Some of the common features of this tool include order recovery, back in stock push, price drop push, welcome push, shipping push, flash sales, etc. The tool has a basic plan which is free for everyone.

2. SellerMotor

This is one of the best Amazon software for sellers that can help them make their selling process more efficient. From assessing FBA revenue, evaluating buying pattern, to keyword research, and creating a pricing strategy, SellerMotor performs a wide range of tasks for sellers. The tool helps you create an entirely automated Amazon PPC campaign in order to drive more traffic and generate higher sales potentials. All you have to do is set your goal and budget; the tool will automatically manage your PPC campaign. It effectively collects, assesses, and studies the data to optimize the campaign and generate a better return on investments. Seller Motor also has a free basic version with limited features and the their paid plan starts from USD 59 per month.

3. Seller Republic

The way sellers price their product on Amazon significantly contributes to winning the Buy Box, thereby assisting in boosting sales and profits. The Seller Republic is an effective Amazon Repricing tool that helps sellers to manage their product price and acquire Buy Box. The tool can help you augment sales and profit-generating opportunities of sellers by 30%. It is capable of repricing your Amazon account within a matter of minutes, irrespective of the listings. Seller Republic offers a 15-day free trial, and the paid plan for this tool starts from USD 48.95.

4. Mento

Mento is an effective tool that can help sellers to their social media marketing efforts in order to improve sales opportunities. The tool makes it easier to connect your online stores to your social media channels. You can schedule various tasks for the coming days and weeks well in advance. With features like advanced scheduling, e-commerce integration, tweets with hashtags, etc. Mento is designed to streamline your social media marketing process.

5. MailChimp

Email marketing is one of the most powerful and cost-effective digital marketing strategies. However, to run a successful email marketing campaign, you need the assistance of an effective tool. MailChimp is one of the best options to consider if you want to create a powerful email marketing campaign. The tool provides multiple integrations with a majority of e-commerce platforms. From creating the email marketing campaign to making it automated, the tool takes care of everything. Some other important features of this tool include personalized product recommendations, automated abandoned cart emails, order notifications, etc.

6. Acquire Live Chat

Irrespective of the operational nature of your business, customer service is a vital aspect that determines your success. The way businesses deal with their customers determines whether or not they are going to suggest the product or service to anyone. Acquire is a useful tool that helps e-commerce businesses to connect with their audience and enhance their customer’s experience.  Whether your customers are looking for assistance with a product or tech support, Acquire helps in making the communication clear and real-time. It also comes with a screen sharing feature that allows you to guide your customers more efficiently. The pricing plan for Acquire starts at USD 300 per year.

7. Shipwire

Establishing a successful e-commerce business is not just about having great products; it’s also about providing customers with an improved shopping experience. From browsing the product to making the purchase and delivery of the product, the efficiency of these steps determines your success as an e-commerce entrepreneur. Inefficient logistics can adversely impact your business, especially if you are catering to the global audience. ShipWire is a cloud-based logistics platform that efficiently manages all your logistics. Whether you want to manage your transaction or orders, you can do all that from one dashboard. It enables you to check the inventory, delivery statuses, sales orders, returns, etc.

8. SEMRush

SEMRush is a popular SEO tool, which allows you to optimize your e-commerce store for search engines. The tool also allows you to assess your competitors and provide you with useful insight. It performs organic research to determine relevant and useful keywords. This research also helps in determining new competitors that you should be aware of. Along with being an excellent competitive research tool, SEMRush can also cater to your SEO requirements and determine whether or not your website is SEO friendly. It will also provide you with recommendations that will help you optimize your on-page SEO. The tool offers a free 7-day trial, and the pricing plan starts at USD 99 per month.

Final Thought 

The fierce competition in the e-commerce landscape has prompted businesses to look beyond convention methods of running a store. By designing an attractive store and efficiently managing it can help you generate greater brand awareness and convert your visitors into customers. By harnessing the potentials of various e-commerce tools, entrepreneurs can achieve their business objectives in a much more effective and efficient manner. Presently, there are tools that cater to all the verticals of the e-commerce domain; it is the matter of finding the one that best aligns with your objective. Above, we have mentioned some of the most popular and powerful e-commerce tools that will help you streamline the various process and generate greater revenue.

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