The 7 Most Important Benefits of Going to College


You’re on the cusp of finishing high school. Now, you have a decision to make: should you enter the workforce immediately, should you go to a trade school or should you enroll in college?

All three options have their benefits, but their downsides as well. As such, you need to give each deep consideration.

Wondering about the benefits of going to college, specifically? Then read on. This article has the info you need.

1. You’ll End Up Earning More Money

The statistics are pretty clear: college graduates end up earning more money than non-college graduates. The higher the level of your degree, the more money you’ll make in the long-run. Even when factoring in loans and tuition, college is far and away the more lucrative option.

Of course, different degrees earn different amounts of money. Engineering degrees will generally reap larger rewards than English degrees, for instance. That said, regardless of the degree you obtain, you are in a position to earn more money than someone who has not obtained a degree.

Yes, you will have to pay substantial amounts of money initially. It might even take decades to pay off your loans. However, because of the amount of money you’re bringing in on a monthly basis, your standard of living will be much higher than it would be otherwise.

2. You’ll Be More Attractive to Employers

While it’s possible to land a good job without a college diploma, it’s not easy. Whether we like it or not, most employers are attracted to employees with college degrees.

Not only do they tend to see them as being better educated, but more dedicated as well. After all, earning a college degree isn’t exactly a walk in the park.

So, if you want to be as hire-able as possible, you need to go to college. Not only will your degree help you to land your first big job but subsequent jobs as well.

3. You’ll Make Important Connections

Going to college isn’t all about learning. In fact, one of the biggest benefits of going to college is that it allows you to make important connections. These connections could very well go on to land you work in the future.

Not only will you establish connections with your peers but with your professors as well. Plus, most colleges hold job fairs for their students. These fairs provide the opportunity to meet real-life employers, improving students’ chances of landing work out of college.

While there are networking events available for non-college grads, they lack the benefit of repeated engagement. In other words, they don’t allow for prolonged connection-building. Only in a unique situation like attending college can you build such important relationships over drawn-out periods of time.

4. You’ll Lead a Happier Life

Though happiness is never guaranteed, studies seem to show that college grads are happier than non-college grads. The reason for this? It likely has to do with the quality of life that is provided by a college diploma.

A college diploma not only opens a person up to more job opportunities but it also allows him or her to make more money. Money and opportunity equal security and security generally correlates to happiness.

Your college degree will allow you to live in a nicer neighborhood, spend more money on hobbies, and save up more money over the long-run. And if you do go through moments of despair and hopelessness? The money afforded to you by your college degree will help pay for treatment.

5. You’ll Become More Worldly

Generally speaking, when a person goes to college, he or she leaves his hometown. For many particularly those who haven’t left home much this is a big step. It may hurt at first, but it eventually has a positive impact, helping the individual to become more worldly and comfortable in unfamiliar environments.

College campuses are filled with individuals of all kinds. As such, college students tend to have a better understanding of issues such as race, religion, and politics.

This isn’t to say that non-college grads can’t be worldly. It’s that college acts as a huge stepping stone for those who are not. It expands horizons and opens individuals up to new possibilities.

6. You’ll Have More Credibility

Whether you agree with it or not, most individuals tend to see college graduates as being more credible than non-college graduates. As such, college graduates tend to be taken more seriously in both their professional and personal lives.

This is why you’ll see replica college diplomas in doctors, lawyers, and dentists’ offices. Doctors, lawyers, and dentists know that their college educations are vital in establishing credibility with their patients, their clients, and their colleagues.

Want to be taken as seriously as possible? College is a must.

7. You’ll Have More Fun Than You’ve Ever Had in Your Life

Looking to have a good time? If so, you don’t want to miss out on the college experience.

College offers the ideal freedom to responsibility ratio. It gives you the freedom to do adult things, but with very few of the adult responsibilities.

Join an intramural sports team; Have parties at your apartment; Drink until you can’t see straight. Do whatever you want to do and do it with as few repercussions as possible.

You will never have another opportunity like this. It would be a shame for you to pass it up.

Ready to Reap the Benefits of Going to College?

As you can see, there are many benefits of going to college. Not only will college help you land a high-paying job, but it will also help you to become a more well-rounded individual. While it’s not your only option out of high school, it might be your best one.

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