10 Interesting Historical Facts About Casinos


People have been going to casinos, placing bets, and playing games here and there with a lot of things for a long time now. Whether people enjoyed a trip to a physical casino or a few good games in the online realm, they are all there because they loved the experience. Casino games have been a part of people’s lives for many years, and today, it’s much easier to play these games because they are already available online. You can check out theSugarhouse Casinoreview for an example of an online platform that offers casino games.

But do you have any idea about when the first casino was created in the world? What do you think is the oldest casino game that was ever played? And do you have any idea on what prompted the creation of casino and casino games? If you don’t know much about how casinos came to be, then you’re in the right place. Today, we are giving you 10 interesting historical facts about casinos.

slot machines in a casino

1. Casinos originated in Italy.

There are many big casinos all over the world, and some of the most popular ones can be found in Las Vegas, Macao, and London. But did you know that the term casino and the first-ever casino or gambling house originated in Italy? The casino was derived from the root word “casa,” which means house. That term developed to cover lots of establishments like summerhouses and social clubs. Organized gambling can also be dated back to 1638 in Venice. Even though there are many countries today that are very enthusiastic when it comes to casinos, the credit on where it started is hugely credited to early Italians.

Also, know that casino games were played way before this, and they were actually very popular. Due to the popularity of casino games, Italians decided to start an establishment for them.

2. The oldest casino game is Baccarat.

Yes, one of the oldest casino games is still being played today, and that is Baccarat. This game has actually been mentioned as early as the 1400s, which is almost 700 years ago. This just proves that the game of Baccarat is indeed very entertaining, as it was able to last for a very long time.

3. Gambling was forbidden in ancient Rome.

Ancient Romans and Greeks are known for their love to play all forms of gambling, including dice games. However, these games are forbidden in ancient Rome. Gambling was not allowed, and the people who gambled gotten into a lot of trouble. Back then, if you were ever caught gambling, you need to pay the penalty four times bigger than the stake of your bet.

4. Ancient Romans invented the first casino chips.

Since Romans are forbidden to any type of gambling, there are some really smart people in Rome who invented the first casino chips. If they happen to get caught by guards, they would just say that they were playing with chips, which is not money, and that would be the end of the discussion. Later on, those chips were anointed value and were used as valuable items in casinos.

5. Slot machines started in 1887.

Most of the time, the origins of some of the most popular table games are disputed. But it is clear that the first slot machine was made in 1887. This slot machine was known as the Liberty Bell, which was developed by Charles Fell. The design was released and completed in 1891. The very first slot machine was very simple and basic in construction. But it was also a groundbreaker as it became the foundation and path to the popularity of the slot machines that we know today.

6. The longest game of poker lasted for more than eight years.

All of those who play poker knows that other than skill and some luck, the game also requires lots of patience and stamina to succeed. Today, tournaments of poker will last for hours. Sometimes it can last for days or months, as well. But did you know that back in 1881, in the basement of a theater in Arizona, a game of poker was said to have lasted for eight years, five months, and three days. Well, yes, there were breaks in between, but imagine playing poker that long on a rolling 24 hours basis and having only occasional comfort breaks and sleep.

Hard evidence may be lacking for this story, but it’s certain that there was an incredible marathon that took place in the basement of that theater, and based on other sources, some $10,000,000 changed hands.

7. Edward VII was a fan of casinos.

Edward VII was the oldest son of Queen Victoria, and he was one of the most famous royal fans of casinos.

8. Playing cards are very old.

Cards that people use or the playing cards we know today have actually been dated back to the 9th century in China. And by knowing this, it would also be fitting to know that China is the casino capital of the world and not Las Vegas, being Macau as the gambling capital of the world.

9. Games of chance were prohibited in England.

Back in the 18th century in England, people are prohibited from playing any games of chance.

10. The game of roulette originated in Paris.

The game of roulette that we see and play in casinos today actually originated in Paris. The roulette wheel that they made was actually similar to the ones we see in the United States.

These are ten interesting historical facts about casinos. It’s amazing to know that casinos have been around for so many years now, and people still enjoy playing in them. With the advancement of technology, it will be so much easier in the future to access the games that are being offered in casinos, but we should also not forget about how casinos started.

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