How to Get on Top of Google Rankings: 2021’s Best Tips for Ranking on Google’s Top 10


Getting to the top of Google could mean hundreds and even thousands of new, targeted visitors to your website. Google is constantly updating its algorithm which leaves many people feeling like the target is always moving. How to get on top of Google is likely one of the most confusing things you’ll have to figure out with digital marketing.

We are here to help you learn how to break into Google’s top 10 and beyond. Continue reading this article to learn how to get into Google’s top search results.

Dive Deep Into Keyword Research

Whether you’ve already started creating content for your blog or not, you need to learn keyword research. You can tweak older content to target keywords in some cases. In the worst case, you can keep the content you have on your site as-is and start optimizing your new content for the keywords you find.

When you’re doing keyword research, don’t only target high volume and difficult terms. If you target terms that are too difficult, you’re going to wait a long time to rank and you may never see results. Incorporate some long tail and low competition keywords into your strategy for the best results.

Understand User Intent

When you do find keywords you want to target, you need to know what the user intent is. You don’t want to provide a how-to article to people that want to purchase a product. Even if Google does rank you, no one is going to click on your content and even if they did — they would click away quickly.

Knowing exactly what people want when they are searching for a specific term will allow you to provide a good user experience and that is what Google wants for their users.

Create Mindblowing Content

If your content is less than high-quality, there’s no reason for Google to rank your website in the search engines. Look at the other content showing up in the search engines for the keyword you’re targeting. Is the content you’re creating better than what is currently showing up?

If your content isn’t better than what’s already showing up in the search engines, why would Google want to rank it in position number one?

Create content that is well-structured, well-researched, and easy to understand and you’ll have the best opportunity to rank in the search engines.

Develop a Web Content Strategy

Creating a piece of content here and a piece of content there is not going to get you the results you want. You need to have a web content strategy that has you creating content consistently. Whatever your schedule is, you need to keep up with it so people and Google know what to expect.

Updating old content can be part of that web strategy. When you update an already great post with new information, that could be the exact boost it needs to make it to the top of the search results for your desired term.

Take Inventory of Links & Build More Quality Links

Link building is often one of the things many people hate to do. Most people don’t even know how many links are pointing to their website. Using the best backlink checker to see where you are can help you feel more confident when you’re getting started.

When you’re checking backlinks, you can look to see who is already linking to you and how they are linking to you. It can give you a good idea of the type of blogs that might link to your content and help give your website a boost in the search engines.

Once you know where you are in the link building process, it’s time to gain more quality links. If you’ve already created quality content, you likely already have a nice foundation of people linking to that content. If you haven’t started working on creating your quality content — that’s the first thing you want to do.

Press releases, guest posting, directories, and local listings are some of the best ways to build quality links that show Google why they should link to you.  If you are not sure how to do this properly, consider hiring a professional link building service.

Optimize Your Website for Speed

Does your website take a long time to load? If your website is sluggish, people on desktop and mobile will quickly click away to find a faster resource.

Google knows people hate slow websites and if your website is creeping along, they aren’t going to show your website favor. Optimizing for speed takes a little effort and there are multiple things you have to look at, but it’s important to get it done for the best results in the search engines.

Optimizing images, using caching, making sure your website’s PHP is up to date, and taking unnecessary things off your website is a large chunk of what you need to do when you want to get your website up to speed. Before you do any major updates on your website, always make sure you back it up to keep from losing any of your work.

Learning How to Get on Top of Google and Grow Your Traffic

Now you have the key information about how to get on top of Google, so you can grow your traffic. Understanding and implementing these strategies will allow you to reap a great ROI for your marketing efforts. If you don’t feel like you have everything you need to continue or if you want to learn more, we’re here to help.

Look through our other articles and find the perfect ones to help you as you’re growing your business.

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