6 Top Tips for an Energy-Efficient Home


Most first-time buyers are now aware of the effect that their home could be having on the environment and are actively looking for ways to make their home more energy efficient. It is not only the environment that will benefit from this focus on energy efficiency, however, and ensuring that your home reduces its consumption of finite resources can also drastically lower your monthly bills. 

  • Clean and Replace Your Air Ducts 

Your HVAC system works hard to stabilize the temperature in your home, ensuring that it stays cool in summer and warm in winter. However, it uses a lot of energy to do so. Your system may be using more energy than it needs to if your air ducts are not clean, or if they are blocked or leaking, as it will struggle to regulate the temperature of your home. If this is the case, you should calling air duct specialists, such as those at Attic Project Services, who can repair and seal any damaged air ducts in your HVAC system. 

  • Install Insulation

Heat rises, and this means that the majority of energy that is used within your home travels to your attic. If your attic is not adequately insulated, a more significant amount of this heat can be lost, leaving you with larger than expected heating bills. To lower the costs of your bills, you should install loft insulation into your home, as this will reduce the heat flow and ensure that your home remains at a comfortable temperature all winter long.

  • Invest in Energy-Saving Appliances 

In the modern age, homeowners rely on a variety of gadgets on a day-to-day basis. However, every device from showers to your television can raise your electricity and water bills and negatively impact the environment. To make your home energy efficient, you should consider installing low flow, eco shower heads, as well as gadgets with LED screens and LED lightbulbs. If you are uncertain whether a device is energy efficient, you should look at an appliance’s Energy Guide label.

  • Replace Your Doors and Windows

Replacing your doors and windows are a major home renovation that you can perform if you want to make your home energy efficient. Installing triple glazing and PVC frames can help to trap heat within your home and limit condensation while replacing old doors and sealing their frames can limit the amount of draughts that will be able to enter your home.

  • Get a Boiler Inspection

An old boiler is an energy-wasting one. Every appliance in your home has a reduced lifespan, and you should consider replacing your boiler every 10-15 years.  Buying a new boiler should serve as a long term investment, and it’s recommended to switch to a Worcester boiler for the highest quality and efficiency, you should check out their prices here before you go ahead and get a replacement: https://www.compareboilerquotes.co.uk/boiler-prices/worcester-bosch-boilers-prices/  If you believe that your boiler is not as efficient as it used to be, you should book a professional boiler inspection, which can help to highlight any issues or damages that may be preventing it from operating to its maximum potential. 

You can also make your home more energy efficient by taking advantage of a government central heating grant, this will allow you not just to replace your boiler but also the entire heating system which includes radiators in your home.

  • Invest in a Thermostat

You should make sure you have a thermostat connected to your central heating and that this is turned down as much as possible. This will enable you to have ultimate control of the temperature of your home, only heating or cooling it when you believe this is necessary. You can even consider installing a smart thermostat, which you can control remotely, even when you are away from home.

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