How Realtors Can Stay Engaged and Organized With These Marketing Tools


Technology is reshaping how everything works in today’s world. This also includes the real estate market. Like all other industries, real estate has inspired many tech companies to develop apps that can benefit realtors, property owners, and buyers alike. As the years pass by, the housing market has seen a significant rise in prices, making it one of the most lucrative industries in the market today.

The IT sector has stepped in to help digitize different aspects of the market by creating CRM software, real estate apps and market analysis tools. This digitization has made marketing work easier for realtors; it has also helped them increase their revenue and create brand awareness among potential customers.

Must-Have Marketing Apps for All Realtors

The real estate market is a dynamic business, and thus, there are thousands of apps and tools developed to help realtors better communicate with their customers and market their businesses. All real estate agents must efficiently perform their duties from market analysis, financial management to customer data verification. These apps have come to help relieve some of the burdens. Below are the seven most essential apps that a realtor must have to succeed in today’s market:

1. Wise Pelican

Realtors can benefit significantly from postcard templates. Often created and sent out in bulk, postcard templates for realtors aim to build brand awareness and inform potential customers of new listings and upcoming projects. When making a postcard template, ensure you include beautiful images of apartments, houses, and the listings you have on the market.

Don’t forget to include your contact information and booking details. Wise Pelican offers professional postcard templates for realtors which can be integrated into the browser for easier modification and designing of the postcards.

2. Zillow premier agent app

This app ensures that every part of the real estate business is well taken care of, including selling, buying, financing, renting, and remodeling. A customer will just look for a listing using their phone’s GPS or a house’s address. As a realtor, Zillow allows potential clients to see your listings and gather all relevant information about the property, including value details, tax history, and price. Using this app, buyers can also access bank-owned properties and locate any listings at risk of foreclosure.

3. Facebook app

Facebook has over 2.1 billion active users every month. This following offers an enormous marketing opportunity for realtors. The app lets you create customized target ads to build long-term brand awareness and a market presence for your real estate business. Using Facebook, realtors can create holiday greetings, video ads, and share photos of new listings with potential buyers or renters.

4. Instagram

According to a report by Recode, Instagram users spend an average of 53 minutes on the platform every day. Instagram allows you to post photos and create videos that you can share with your target audience. Most Instagram users use the app to view beautiful pictures of people, places, houses, and even animals.

With over an eighth of the world’s population on Instagram, realtors can benefit from brand exposure by just posting a video about a new listing. Every potential buyer today wants to see photos of a property before taking the time to view it. By taking advantage of Instagram’s targeting options, researching relevant hashtags, and using video ads, you can bring a lot of ideal traffic to your Instagram ads and posts.

5. YouTube

In the last decade alone, video marketing has become the most powerful marketing tool that business owners use to target potential customers. Using YouTube videos to advertise your listings adds a personality and a visual appeal to it. Today, listings that have a video get 403% more inquiries than the ones without.

Constantly uploading videos on YouTube sharing your professional advice and perspective, showing a listing that just came to market, and using YouTube advertising can increase your Google search ranking. However, YouTube videos are harder to create than Facebook and Instagram posts. It would be best if you took some time to learn how to create seamless YouTube videos and integrate them with your brand for maximum benefits.

6. Pipedrive

Pipedrive is a Customer relationship management tool that helps a salesperson visualize their selling process. Pipedrive was created to promote activity-based retailing. The platform streamlines realtors’ marketing, selling, and invoicing processes to help them manage their workload and better serve the customers.

Pipedrive can be integrated with software such as JustCall, Autopilot, slack, and LiveChat, to help you quickly get in touch with your customers. This CRM driven platforms allow you to organize and process a lot of information all at once. The Pipedrive app can also be used to respond to client messages and stay connected with landlords and property owners.

7. Zoom

Realtors are now using zoom for online meetings, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Using zoom for business meetings helps real estate agents use chat programs and virtual meetings to continue conducting their businesses even with the current movement restrictions.

Reasons why real estate agents should use apps

The fastest way to improve your brand marketing is through online marketing. With the creation of apps, real estate agents can now effectively communicate with homeowners and potential buyers 24/7. Most buyers start their purchasing journey from social media and real estate apps to check on currently available listings. Below are the four essential reasons why realtors should use apps and online marketing tools:

1. It improves customer satisfaction

When an app is downloaded, it improves customer connection. It allows real estate agents to stay connected with their clients at all times of the day. Push notifications are sent to alert customers about price reductions and discounts, updates on new listing and property references. Agents can also use these apps to communicate with their customers effectively.

2. It’s a way of marketing.

The real estate industry requires a lot of marketing campaigns. Apps easily reach clients with updated data about any property listings. Using analytic tools can help realtors to segment their audience, thus allowing ads and posts to effectively reach the right customers.

3. Apps promote information sharing

The real estate business is entirely dependent on information sharing. Data such as property details, location, and images can now be shared smoothly using real estate apps. Easy communication with your clients will promote a positive image of your brand.

4. Provides better customer experience

Apps are optimized to create device-specific contact. Mobile apps are designed to make them easier to use and lightweight, thus they only have the most basic and critical functions. They help realtors interact with their clients even on the go, thus improving customer experiences.

Final Thoughts

In today’s competitive marketing climate, realtors are advised not only to sign up for social media marketing but also to use it regularly to increase brand awareness and reach potential clients.

Moreover, having a social media marketing analytics dashboard is also necessary as it will help to track or record all the website visitors, leads, conversions, users, revenue, sources of conversions, and so much more.

The advantages of using social media marketing in the real estate industry are unmatched. Building credibility and improving customer satisfaction are among the reasons why every realtor should actively market and post on Facebook, Zillow, Instagram, and YouTube.

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