How Body Corporates Can Protect Strata Communities from Coronavirus


The WHO declared corona virus a global pandemic on 11 March 2020. Numerous countries have since taken measures to reduce the spread of the virus and contain the outbreak. From the national governments to local bodies, everyone is involved in the efforts to deal with the pandemic. Body corporates can also protect communities from coronavirus and here is how.

Implementing preventive measures.

Both global and local guidelines have been issued to prevent the spread of COVID 19. Body corporates can implement some of these measures within their strata to protect the communities. Some of the measures include

Social distancing

Tenants and residents with a strata should practise social distancing. Body corporates can set up rules and regulations to limit unnecessary movement and guidelines for social gatherings within the strata.

Hand sanitizing stations.

Hand sanitizing stations have become the norm in numerous buildings that have remained open during the pandemic. The same can be applied to stratas. Body corporates can install hand sanitizing units in strategic areas within the strata to ensure the community is protected. It’s also important for the strata management to encourage residents to use the facilities for their own protection.

Move all meetings online

Body corporates run a lot of meetings among tenants and owners. In light of the global pandemic, body corporates can move all meetings to online platforms where all objectives can be met without risking anyone’s health. New directives can be sent to the relevant stakeholders through email and other electronic media.

Thorough maintenance

The COVID 19 pandemic has drawn special attention to public and personal hygiene. Considering the virus can spread across surfaces it’s important for body corporates to follow up on hygiene within the strata. Common areas should be cleaned and efficient waste management should be in effect.

Moreover, good ventilatory systems should be up and running within the strata. Body corporates should also ensure all faulty installations are repaired as soon as they are recognised.

Emergency response

Emergency response protocols must be in place in all stratas. At the event one tenant tests positive for COVID 19, the appropriate measures must be taken to protect the rest of the residents within the strata. These measures are best laid out and implemented by body corporates. Strata managers can provide proper channels to deal with any eventualities.

The responsible health authorities should also be involved. For patients who have tested positive, body corporates can facilitate their self-quarantine measures while taking the appropriate protective steps to curb the spread of the disease. It’s also important for body corporates to follow up on reports of symptomatic patients within the strata.

Body corporates can prevent unnecessary panic by providing both preventive and responsive measures to their strata. They can also provide reliable information and set up appropriate channels of enquiry to alleviate confusion and panic.

Good strata management may go a long way in protecting strata communities from coronavirus. Although the pandemic is completely new to the global scene, appropriate measures can be taken to curb the spread.

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