Where To Buy Hand Blender In Malaysia?


Do you need a new hand blender? Are you looking for a particular brand such as Philips, Kenwood, or Tefal? Then you probably want to know where to buy hand blenders in Malaysia. Below are some stores worth checking out.


If you want to get your hand blender online then why don’t you shop at Malaysia’s biggest online appliance store? The store being referred to is called TBM. Apart from kitchen appliances such as hand blenders, TBM also sells electronic gadgets, home appliances, and even office equipment. TBM is a popular store in Malaysia. The reason for its fame is excellent customer service. Of course, apart from the fact that it offers a wide selection of products. If it’s a hand blender you’re looking for then for sure you’ll be able to find some of the best models in this shop. And it doesn’t only sell products. The shop also serves as a repair center for some of the most recognized brands all over the world. They offer free delivery as well. Indeed, shopping at TBM is such a pleasurable experience. No wonder they have so many loyal customers.


If you’re Malaysian then for sure you know Senq. It has been around since 1989 and it’s currently one of the leading chains of consumer electronics stores in all of Malaysia. It has more than 100 stores in the country. So no matter where you are in Malaysia, for sure there is a Senq store nearby. And if you can’t physically go to a Senq store then it doesn’t matter. Because you can buy what you need from them online. They offer a wide range of products. So if it’s a hand blender you’re looking for, for sure they have it. The secret to Senq’s success lies in the company’s ability to read trends and to always have a finger on what their customers need and want. This is the reason why they always seem to be the first to know about the latest gadgets and products available. So if it’s the latest brand and model of hand blender you’re looking for, Senq should be the first store that you’ll visit.


HLK Chain Store

HLK may not be as big as Senq but it’s on its way to becoming the leading electrical appliance store in Malaysia. Currently, the company only has a total of 16 stores located within Klang Valley and Perak. But it will not be a surprise if it will expand to other areas in the years to come. It has already come a long way since it was established back in 2000 by Dato’ Leng Jig Leong. Now, HLK even has an online store offering a wide variety of electronic equipment and home and kitchen appliances. So if you’re looking for a hand blender, then for sure they have what you’re looking for. Since its inception, HLK has always been committed to improving the lives of its customers by providing high-quality products at affordable prices. This is why the company’s slogan is “Better living with HLK.”

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