3 Fashion Accessories You May Be Overlooking


Much of the conversation around fashion relates to garments—pants, coats, dresses, and more. But what about accessories? Accessories are some of the most integral, make-or-break parts of an outfit, and the sooner we recognize that, the sooner we’ll be able to approach fashion in a whole new light!

Even things you wouldn’t think would relate to clothing still factor into your outfit and style if it’s something you carry with you all day, such as an iPhone xs max case or another phone case.

If you often find that your outfit is monochrome, all the same texture, or generally needs more dimension, accessories are bound to become your new best friend. With various colors, shapes, and styles, anything from socks to belts is the perfect candidate to take your look to the next level!

1. Handbags

Handbags are imperative for two reasons: they are some of the most stylistically malleable accessories and provide tangible utility. There’s no reason you shouldn’t have any number of them in your wardrobe! Purses come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and forms, and their capability of such a vast range of styles makes them ideal staple pieces to rely on for all your fashion wants and needs.

Additionally, handbags are practical for carrying your phone, keys, wallet, and other on-the-go necessities. Most accessories can’t say that they serve any purpose other than aesthetical ones! And while aesthetics do not need to serve a practical use, especially in the world of fashion, it’s nice to be still able to keep all our belongings with us.

2. Jewelry

Earrings, necklaces, rings, bracelets—you name it! Jewelry is some of the most classic, timeless fashion components that have existed for centuries in grand displays of wealth and beauty. Plenty of available jewelry is expertly crafted, but there’s also a wide assortment of affordable jewelry on the internet made by small businesses and even individuals who do it as a hobby.

The biggest thing to look out for with jewelry is the metal you’re wearing. Most people try to coordinate gold jewelry and silver jewelry with the color palettes of their respective outfits. However, some bold fashion enthusiasts mix metals as part of their look. If you’re seeking new ways to expand your stylistic ideas, you can consider attractive fashion accessories.

3. Glasses

Glasses have a spectacular way of framing your face in a way that other accessories can’t replicate. Round frames, square frames, cat-eye frames, and more—plenty of lens crafters dedicate themselves to designing a wide array of glasses styles for the self-expression and day-to-day needs of their wearers.

Glasses can also be further personalized through donning glasses chains or even embroidering the lenses in the case of many sunglass trends going around right now.

Another fun thing about glasses is their multiple uses—sunglasses, vision glasses, UV ray glasses, or merely stylistic glasses with no practical use. All of these forms of eyewear can be easily found on the internet or at eyewear stores.

Final Thoughts

There are thousands of outfits you could put together with just a top, pants, and shoes, but those possibilities multiple even more-so when you factor in accessories. You can make a classy look seem edgy, a simple look appears professional, or even a gothic look pass for business casual if you know how to accessorize. If you want, you can also bring back 1900s fashion trends and look classic and unique.

Next time you’re trying to piece together an outfit to wear, remember that the clothing is only half the battle. An assortment of purses, jewelry, and eyewear is a prudent investment for any closet and the future of your style.


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