The Hidden Dangers of Living Uninsured: 5 Worst-Case Scenarios of Forgoing Health Insurance


There are a few things you can count on in life: taxes, death, and the price of health insurance increasing. There are various reasons for skyrocketing healthcare costs, like big corporations broadening their profit margins, escalated numbers of chronically ill individuals, and a consistent rise in medical expenses.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services project medical fees will increase by 5.5% each year until 2027, creating more expensive health insurance premiums. Steep costs, complicated application processes, and inadequate coverage have many low-income, working-age adults forgoing health care altogether, opting out of life-saving medical care.

While it may be tempting to abstain from healthcare services because of high prices and overwhelming application processes, having health insurance can protect you from life-threatening ailments and emergencies.

Living uninsured can lead to detrimental situations that threaten your overall well being. If you are on the fence about applying for health insurance benefits, take a look at the unfortunate worst-case scenarios of forgoing health insurance to help you make an informed decision.

Shopping For Health Insurance Coverage: The Complete Guide

Navigating the health insurance marketplace can be confusing and frustrating for those unsure of coverage types, terms, and personal needs. However, you can better understand what kind and how much coverage you’ll need by investigating all of your options.

For example, there are six different options available:

  • Exclusive Provider Organization plans (EPOs)
  • Health Maintenance Organization Plans (HMOs)
  • High Deductible Health Plans (HDHPs)
  • Point of Service Plan (POS)
  • Preferred Provider Organization Plans (PPOs)
  • Short Term Plans

Each insurance package exists to aid different people with differing healthcare needs. For instance, HDHPs are inexpensive and compatible with health savings accounts (HSA), while POS plans are flexible, allowing you to utilize out-of-network providers. Temporary packages protect you against emergency accidents and illness, perfect for individuals who can’t afford full-blown healthcare plans.

If you are looking to save money on your monthly premium without facing high deductibles, consider short-term health plans offered by AHiX.  Temporary packages protect you against emergency accidents and illness, perfect for individuals who can’t afford full-blown healthcare plans.

Uninsured worst-case scenarios

Reduced access to medical care

Contrary to popular belief, the law doesn’t require health providers to provide medical services to those without insurance. Only emergency departments are legally required to provide care. If you need to visit a non-emergent medical office, you’ll likely be out of luck without proof of insurance.

No preventative care

Many ailments, from the flu to certain types of cancer, are treatable if detected early on. When you forgo health insurance, you also abstain from preventative care, which keeps you healthy day-to-day. Physicians take precautionary measures to ensure your health and safety, and without proper coverage, you lose access to regular medical assistance and check-ups.

Overwhelming debt

Going without health insurance poses a significant risk to your overall health, especially when unexpected illnesses and injuries occur. Emergency room visits and hospital stays can easily result in a massive bill with tacked fees that you’ll cover out-of-pocket without proper coverage. Most people can’t fork over tens of thousands of dollars for a single stay, causing them to fall into prolonged medical debt.

Mental health effects

Let’s say you manage to avoid medical emergencies and unexpected illnesses. The stress of not having insurance can still severely affect your mental health. Whether it is anxiety or depression, the amount of stress caused by living without health insurance can land you in a mental health crisis requiring immediate medical attention.

The bottom line

Although it can be hard to justify forking out a chunk of change to insure yourself from potential threats, the risk of being uninsured is worth the price. If you’re on a budget or in a low-income household, there are inexpensive, short-term plans that can keep you safe without breaking the bank.

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